More Traffic And Lead Generation – Automated Traffic

More Traffic And Lead Generation ‘” Automated Traffic

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November 22, 2014 From: Jeff Dedrick Re: Automated Traffic

If you’ve been around the Internet marketing arena for any length of time, then I’m sure you’ve realized that one single thing stands between every marketer and online success.

Traffic is the lifeblood of ANY online business and is the driving force behind online sales and money getting… no question about it!

They start out as excited as they can be, build a site, put it online, and then they sit by clicking refresh on their stats ‘” hoping against hope that someone (anyone) will visit their site…

The brutal truth of this industry is that probably 97% of Internet marketers simply don’t have enough website traffic to make a full time income ‘” much less even squeeze out a few sales every now and then.

And for the lucky ones that can get traffic, most won’t be able to keep the traffic flowing for any length of time without enormous effort or expense.

Imagine… with a few quick clicks, traffic suddenly streams to your site… a heavy load of traffic that actually buys what you’re selling…

And all of this could be yours without having to spend precious dollars on some high risk PPC campaign, without wasting months and months of your time trying to SEO your site, or paying one red cent for unproven advertising…

In case you’re counting… that’s nearly a million unique visitors on just a couple of sites, in just a few short months…

And there’s plenty more automated push button traffic where this came from. Press a few buttons for quick and explosive results!

It’s plain to any of us that get bombarded with the email pitches every day that there’s a TON of courses, ‘step by step’ guides, video tutorials, info products, etc., etc., etc.

There’s probably thousands upon thousands of terabytes of worthless information sitting out there…

And as if that’s not enough, is seems like every single week there is a “Next Big Bright Shiny Thing” that promises to explode your bank accounts and put a Ferrari in your driveway in mere days…

But we both know that these are just over inflated, hyped up promises, which rarely deliver anything close to what they say…

Don’t you usually find yourself sorely disappointed because the info you get isn’t what was promised, doesn’t work, or only worked 3 years ago?

Now sure, there are some solid and legit products out there ‘” but they are indeed the exception to the rule ‘” and you have to wonder how you find them.

It’s tough when you’re probably working 9-5 (or longer), coming home from a tough day on the job, after a grueling rush hour, and then you’re resigning yourself to your computer for hours upon hours to try to make this whole Internet thing work for you.

You just want what’s being promised… REAL information that works for YOU and not just the big guys already cashing in and living like kings.

Asking for REAL information that works for YOU ‘” this isn’t like you’re asking for a lot… you’re just asking for help and the kind of information that is being promised.

So, just how do you find it… how do you separate the wheat from the chafe and find the stuff that makes you money instead of just making them more money, while you’re out there hanging dry.

You are probably WAY more familiar with “the usual suspects” then you ever wanted to be…

You know what I’m talking about ‘” article marketing, social bookmarking, blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, linkbuilding, SEO, PPC, Craigslist, Backpage, US Freeads, Press Releases, etc…

Of course… even if you ARE able to get one of these to work for you at first ‘” you soon realize that it’s way more effort to keep winning…

You struggle with the idea of cutting those losses because you don’t want to give up hope… but the writing is often on the wall way before you finally cut and run.

You see, most marketers struggle to TRULY profit online because they’re missing some CRUCIAL stuff and they’re going about it all wrong.

Listen… I know EXACTLY where you’re coming from and I want to tell you one thing right here and right now.

And while I cannot help you be a better article writer… or tweet better… or Facebook better…or any of the other highly hyped and poor excuses for traffic strategies…

You could place an AdWords ad, get the position you wanted for as little as 5 cents a click, generate sales, and make a TON of money ‘” all by linking directly to an affiliate offer.

You could also snag easy rankings on any website in any market by simply stuffing your sites full of the keywords you wanted to rank for ‘” thereby generating hordes of targeted traffic…

Some of the guys that were doing this told one person, who told another, who told another, who then told another ‘” and so on and so on. Soon, EVERYONE was doing this.

AdWords prices started going up and then Google began making their algorithms more and more complex, thereby making previous methods unusable…

Soon, only a handful of people were able to still get traffic ‘” the kind of traffic that makes them any money.

You need to grab yourself a new system for generating traffic and sales ‘” something that isn’t affected by heavy PPC competition ‘” isn’t affected by Google’s constantly changing algorithms.

An automated push button system so simple to use that you can be up and running ‘” attaining profitable results, almost instantly…

Finally you can forget about article marketing, social bookmarking, blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, linkbuilding, SEO, PPC, Craigslist, Backpage, US Freeads, Press Releases, etc…

Because with this automated system, getting targeted, hungry, credit card in hand traffic ‘” well now it is stupid simple…

Start generating unstoppable streams of ultra targeted traffic with a few quick… Read more…