Mike Morgan’s Conversion Crash Course
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gnore the sober warning contained in this letter, and you may as well take your online business… your website and any shot at prosperity online ‘” and KISS THEM GOODBYE.
On the other hand, if you choose to HEED the warning you’re about to read ‘” and ACT on the advice I offer you in this urgent report, not only will you have plenty of time to save your business…
Mike is a world-class copywriter and conversion expert. That puts him among a small handful of people in the world. But don’t let that intimidate you. Mike is one of the most down-to-earth and approachable guys I know.
When he worked on a project for me he just over-delivered again and again ‘” and never once complained. I later figured out that that’s just who he is.
While others are complaining about work, Mikes just doing it. And doing it better than 99.9999% of the people on the planet. If you get a chance to work with him, stop thinking about it and do it.
If I’m looking for just one copywriter to deliver kick ass, money-making copy that practically forces cash to spit out from my site…YOU are definitely at the very TOP of my list.
Just recently, your salesletter for one of my high ticket coaching programs generated ONE MILLION dollars in sales in just 36 hours!
Plus you’re great to work with, understanding and responsive. If anyone is looking for a million dollar launch ‘” then Mike Morgan is the man you want to have write your copy!
Ewen Chia Super Affiliate Cloning Program http://www.SuperAffiliateCloningProgram.com
I’m calling today to give you a testimonial and not for any one particular product or service this time, but rather I want to give you a testimonial about you…
Mike Morgan the man behind the product, behind the services , behind the coaching, because I think when people are making a purchase decision it’s not just the content that’s in the product that is on top of their minds.
They also want to know is this the right person that I should be trusting here to lead me to the next level and so everyone listening to this audio or reading this in text
I want to give my personal assurance that Mike Morgan is the real thing. He’s someone that I have paid thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars… I won’t say how many thousands, but many thousands. In fact, tens of thousands of dollars.
I’ve hired him to write salesletters for me time and time again, because he produces quality, quality work. He knows the “Psychology of the Sale” and that’s how he can help you grow your business.
Hey, this is Tellman Knudson, and you know what I write a lot of copy, we come up with some really, really high converting sales pages and e-mail.
I recently wanted to improve our ability to write copy to increase our conversions on our sales pages, on our squeeze pages, on our e-mails, on everything we do.
And the first person I went to was Mr. Mike Morgan, himself. I hired him for a 6 week copy training intensive and I gotta tell you. This guy blew my mind!
Mike Morgan is the man when it comes to increasing conversions. He taught me one technique that immediately tripled the effectiveness of one of our existing sales letters.
You gotta pay attention, you gotta pay attention to Mike Morgan. He will teach you how to make more sales.
I’ve known Mike Morgan for the past two years, and I don’t know of anyone who shares his knowledge and experience as generously as he does.
Frankly, I was surprised when Mike told me his plans for the Conversion Crash Course. For most people, putting together and launching a multi-month course is an enormous effort. And Mike isn’t the kind of guy to do anything half-assed.
I know he will bust his butt to make this course the best of it’s kind. Couple that with the frenzied demand for Mike’s copywriting services and I have to question his sanity. The man is a copy and conversion machine! So here’s my suggestion: Get in line right now for Mike’s course before he goes back on his meds and changes his mind.
Seriously, Mike has a proven record of converting sales. His friendly, laid-back approach to teaching and his utter commitment to your success makes his course a no brainer. I’m a copywriter myself and I want to ransack Mike’s arsenal of conversion tricks.
Mike Morgan was awesome when I met him two years ago and hes done nothing but improve since then. I remember when I asked him to t ake a look at one of my early sales letters… Mike raced through his suggestions and I couldnt take notes fast enough! It was like being caught in a lightning storm of ideas. His suggestions helped me achieve an 11.7% conversion rate. I wholeheartedly recommend ANYTHING that Million Dollar Mike has to say about boosting conversion ‘” get your hands on it before your competition does!
If you’re looking for great copy that sells, there is no one better than Mike Morgan. Period. But Mike is much more than just a guy who writes killer copy that makes the cash register ring…he’s is a business partner who knows his stuff, who conducts his business unquestioned integrity, and who demonstrates a genuine commitment to building long-term relationships for mutual success! If you have the chance to work with Mike Morgan, take it…you will not be disappointed and you will see impacts far beyond the copy that he creates for… Read more…