Membership Sites Blueprint
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Sure it sounds like another load of Internet Marketing bull. “Push button’� products, “Instant Riches’� softwares, the list goes on and on. Products which will earn you millions of dollars with zero work, so long as you can press a button.
Now before you yawn and say “I’ve seen all of these before” or “Not another internet scam rebranded”, let me tell you what this isn’t.
Because just like you, I’m tired of being pushed around, force fed and burnt by self titled internet gurus with their “Push Button Products”, “Instant Riches Softwares”… the line of BS products just go on and on and on.
Think of the days before the internet. What a great business model did multi-million dollar companies adopt for recurring income?
Remember the days of the newspaper and magazines? I’m kidding, they do still exist but hey, what was their business model?
And what I’m going to show you is how to transform what you have right now, be it a website doing low 4 figures or a nonexistant page in the works, idea in your head type of thing, into a 5 figure monthly recurring income.
Over 5 years ago, I was in debt to the tune of $115, 232 from a combination of student loans and poor investments.
From my calculations, it would have taken me 18 years to pay off my loan and that was without taking into account inflation, buying a house or a car.
Until one day, I had an epiphany during one of my conversations with a mentor of mine. During a discussion about what was wrong with my business model and why it didn’t work for me, he told me “Joon, don’t do what the gurus say, just do what the gurus do!’�
I said to myself “forget what they teach and just do what they do” and started learning all the things they did themselves for all of their products.
I experimented with a ton of them, some worked, some were hit and miss but eventually, I came across a model which every single guru out there was using.
Imagine having money coming in on autopilot, EVERY month, EVERY year with minimal effort (and here, I’ll show you how to automate it so you can be sipping cocktails on a beach in Maldives without needing to worry about it!)
So I create multiple streams of income by having multiple membership sites, all of which run on autopilot. This brings in easily four to five figure paychecks every single month without fail. Each friggin’ site.
And I’m confident you’ll be able to do it because you’ll be able to look over my shoulder to see how I get things done, easily, quickly and effortlessly.
Well, think of it this way. When a customer purchases from you in the “traditional” way, it’s a one off transaction. But with a membership site business model, there is continuous income every single time you get a sale, so you’ll get paid month after month, every single month from then onwards.
It’s like setting up a water pump. At the very beginning, you’ll need to put in work to find that perfect spot but once you get it, you’ll be able to constantly get water from it every single time.
I’ve designed a real world scenario in which you can expect your income to skyrocket when you adopt a membership site model.
Now take a look at the huge discrepancy in earnings. By adopting a traditional one off payment business model, you’re potentially leaving out over $200k of earnings on the table!
Without a doubt, this truly is the way to go in any business, be it a brick and mortar business and most definitely in internet marketing. But before we go any further, I’m sure you’re already thinking “Sure this is looks great but there must be a catch somewhere!’�
Because who on earth in their right mind won’t want to be paid OVER and OVER every single month without any additional work whatsoever?
Well, believe me, we’re going to show you just how easy it is to get started and how you can have your very own site up and running in less than 7 minutes!
And all this is possible even if you’ve never had any experience in internet marketing before!
With these “look-over-my-shoulder” videos, you’ll find out just HOW quick it can be to get a membership site up and running. Forget all the tech mumbo jumbo and coding nightmares, I’m going to debunk all those myths by holding your hand and showing you step-by-step what you’ll exactly need to do, even if you’ve never installed wordpress in your entire life.
Look, I’m sure there are other business models which provide continuous income but each has their own downsides. Monthly audios and reports require constant content production as well as heavy uploads and downloads (requiring massive servers) and softwares require tons of labor and expertise to create and support its users.
Therefore, I’ve realized that the best model to provide a steady continuous income is the Membership Site Business Model.
I’m sure you know what a membership site model is. These proven business models are all around us, club memberships, gyms, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, the list is endless. And this is similar, only thing is that it’s online.
What I’m trying to say is that these membership site model is a simply an online community where the members will be able to access premium content like guides, articles and reports as well as other forms of media (audio, video, programs, expert interviews, forums etc) and the only way to keep accessing them is to pay a regular subscription fee (monthly, quarterly or even yearly)
So here’s the thing. Some… Read more…