Matt Callen’s SimplyPLR – Unique PLR Niche Content – Article Marketing

Matt Callen’s SimplyPLR ‘” Unique PLR Niche Content ‘” Article Marketing

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Attention: If you’re reading this message, you understand the Traffic boosting… SEO driving… Link-building power of article marketing. It’s the only guaranteed proven traffic generation strategy that lasts LONG TERM and works 100% of the time.

“What If I Created ALL of The Material You Needed For GUARANTEED Traffic Generation That Lasts LONG TERM and Works 100% of the Time?

Save Thousands of Dollars and Hundreds of Hours When We Give You Full Private Label Rights To Use Our Content and Software As Your Own!”

… PLUS get full private access to our proprietary blogging software that has helped our members generate thousands of FREE visitors each month…

What I’m about to reveal to you, may very well be the most important marketing advice you’ve ever read. Following this same advice rocked my business and has literally quadrupled my income the past 2 years. You ready for this?

The KEY to making big money online is generating traffic and leveraging the work of others.

You see, every one of us only has 24 hours in a day. (More like 12 hours if we’re being realistic)

… our productivity would be extremely limited. On top of that, the end result wouldn’t be close to the quality it could be if I “leveraged the work of others” to help me create an amazing product.

When I first started online several years ago, this is exactly what I did. I did all the work myself, which even included creating the graphics. It took me nearly 4 full months to create the website and actually start getting a very small stream of visitors. What in the world was I thinking?

I’ll tell you what I was thinking… I was thinking from an entirely WRONG perspective on how to create a successful online business. I wasn’t leveraging the time and skills of others like I should have… All I knew at the time was I spent an awful long time to make very minimal profit in the end. I should have leveraged the time and work of others!

Not only that, but I thought the best way to get visitors to my site was to just pay for it. That was a BAD idea!

Here’s another insider secret, and mistake I made early on in my marketing career…

“Don’t Pay For Traffic When You Can Get It For FREE!”

Here are some stats from just a few of my websites. The traffic shown here is 100% free traffic that I am getting primarily from search engines and articles…

My Website #1 ‘” reached almost 300,000 visits in one month!

My Website #3 ‘” practically 10,000 visits in a single month…

Getting highly targeted FREE traffic to your website is a whole lot easier and beneficial to you than forking over hundreds of dollars in advertising, PPC costs, or any other means of paying for traffic.

In the beginning I learned this the hard way, after wasting thousands of dollars for visitors who didn’t want to buy my products, click on my Adsense ads, or subscribe to my newsletters. In the end, I got very little in return for thousands of dollars I spent… and even worse, I wanted to quit the whole ‘online thing’ altogether!

I finally discovered something that literally rocked my business to higher ground. And it ended up being probably the easiest online strategy I’d ever implemented.

It literally took me a combined total of only 3-4 hours to implement with my website. That’s the TOTAL time… After following these methods one single time, I literally didn’t touch the website anymore, and let the traffic pour in from the search engines.

“It’s The Absolute, Single Most Effective Marketing Tool for Generating FREE Targeted Traffic To Your Website…”

“Within Just ONE Week, The Steady Increase of Site Visitors and Adsense Earnings Have Proven To Me That SimplyPLR Works!”

I have struggled to get it started due to 2 main reasons ‘” English is not my foreign language, and I can’t write about unfamiliar topics.

This isn’t a problem anymore! With the help of SimplyPLR, the above issues have been completely resolved. Within a week, the steady increase of site visitors and Adsense earnings have proven to me that SimplyPLR works! Thank you so much!

Chokyi Ooi

What’s this all about and how does it work 100% of the time? It’s Article Marketing, and it can be broken down into 2 parts.

First, you write (or have someone else write) a high-quality article about the niche you’re targeting. At the end of that article, you add a “resource box” that contains a link pointing back to your website.

Second, you submit your article to blogs, post it to your website, and send it to other article directories.

Now… webmasters, bloggers and anyone looking for content can find your article and use it on their own website…

So here’s the beautiful part! Every site that uses your article, must include your resource box! That means you get inbound links pointing to your site from other pages all over the web.

High search engine rankings is really pretty simple: The more backlinks you have, the more love you get from Google and other search engines.

Here’s the thing… I’m not more intelligent than you and I don’t posess some super-power that lets me succeed online. The fact is, I’m just like you (and I struggle for a very long time), but I eventually found a strategy that worked and I found it a little earlier than you….

“Don’t Waste Your Time and Money Doing the Grunt Work, When We’ll Do It For You”

Leverage the Resources of Time-Tested Experts To Find Profitable Markets and Write Article Content For YOU!”

“Should I write my own articles or hire a ghostwriter to write original articles for me? Or should I use PLR content?”

I always answer with… Read more…