Mastering The Basics Of Pinterest

Mastering The Basics Of Pinterest

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Dear Fellow Entrepreneur, It does not matter if you own a Mom & Pop brick and mortar shop in small town USA or if you have multiple online eCommerce web sites.

More and more savvy business owners ‘” offline & online, are using the massive power of the Internet to pull traffic to their businesses.

The latest site to take the internet by storm is Pinterest. If you haven’t heard of it, then you are definitely not paying close enough attention to internet trends. Here are just some of the things that make Pinterest a MUST HAVE tool in your marketing.

If you know how to setup your account and post content in the RIGHT way, this website will pay you back with highly-targeted FREE traffic and big affiliate commissions for months and years to come. (Don’t Worry ‘” I Show You How To Set Everything Up)

Even better, most of the people using this website have money to spend. They’re part of the age 25 to 34 demographic that big advertisers pay millions of dollars to reach.

In the image from (below), you can see that as of mid 2012 Pinterest is ranking in the top 30-50 sites IN THE WORLD for the amount of DAILY TRAFFIC it is receiving.

All this time Pinterest has been a ‘Join By Invitation Only’ Social site. Pinterest removed the Invite restriction the first part of August so it is possible that the numbers on this graph can see a huge spike in the very near future.

In addition to the awesome growth on Pinterest, the people going to Pinterest are staying on the site longer ‘” this means your content stands a much greater chance to be seen and acted on by the millions of visitors that show up on Pinterest EACH DAY!

Of all the statistics that can be shown to you, here are some of the most important… (All The Following Are From ‘”

As a small business owner looking to increase your market reach & improve sales, those are some stats that you should not ignore. Be it online, offline, your creations or affiliate products, just by you posting some pictures you can drive traffic to your product offers &…

That’s all fine and good if you know what you’re doing. This Pinterest Training Video course removes all the guesswork. You’ll discover: Step-By-Step…

The video at the top of this page details all the videos in this Pinterest Video Training series along with a couple of samples of the videos in this series.

Say yes to this Mastering The Basics Of Pinterest offer and receive these bonus products: My step-by-step video guides are detailed & comprehensive AND along with these bonuses, no stone is left un-turned!

Bonus #3 Social Media Power 200 powerful social media tips & tactics for increased sales, fans & followers.

I created this set of 8 videos to be released on their own as separate product later this year but decided they would make a perfect fit here along side the Pinterest video series.

You are looking over my shoulder as I use Gimp 2.8 to create an info graphic right before your eyes, STEP-BY-STEP!

Okay Dwayne, So How Much Is This In-Depth Pinterest Mastering The Basics Video Course Going To Cost?

Many would pay $7 to $17 just for the 8 Never Before Released Gimp 2.8 videos on creating info graphics.

So I’d be crazy to Give Away the Mastering The Basics Of Pinterest video series, along with the Added Value items AND the Gimp 2.8 videos for less than $47…

Now let me ask you a blunt question: would you rather spend your entire time making a new product from scratch? Taking pot shots in the dark hoping to find which method works for you? Or will you take what already works for many others, and use it for yourself?

The good news is: Mastering The Basics Of Pinterest is not going to cost you anything near what you’re dreaming of.

That’s right. After you make your purchase today via secure server, the entire course is yours is available to you instantly upon making your secured payment.

P.S. Remember that all the risk is on me! Try my Pinterest videos for 60 days and see for yourself just how powerful this information really is. If for any reason you are not satisfied, simply email me for a prompt and courteous refund.

P.P.S. Pinterest marketing is big and getting BIGGER. You could be quickly generating massive laser targeted traffic AND cash profits using the very methods outlined in this course. You just have to take that first step and act now.

*The Pinterest name and text used here is for descriptive purposes only. We are not affiliated with Pinterest in any way (except for the normal accounts we have set up there ‘” just like yours will be), nor do they endorse these products. We have presented these videos to help you and your business grow. No portion of this website can be copied without written permission from the author Read more…