Mass Traffic Leak

Mass Traffic Leak

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If you’re gonna work less, play more and drastically profit from making money online…by doing just a few minutes of work a day…then make sure you read this and find out what this is all about…because this can make you A LOT wealthier…

First though, I have a very important question to ask you ‘” and please, think about your answer seriously…

Products not completed when it’s launched…sellers refusing to honor refunds…software that just doesn’t work…

Just take a good look around YouTube or the Warrior’s Forum and see how ‘good’ many of these latest hyped up products are. Almost all of them don’t work! (And almost all of them have been bashed mercilessly and rightfully so!)

If people understood the undeniable truth about making money online, they’d be able to see through all the hype, bulls#&* and lies generated by those ‘gurus’, and be able to FINALLY make SERIOUS money online…

It doesn’t matter what ‘systems’ or ‘software’ the gurus try and ‘brainwash’ you into buying… always remember that…

Your #1 Focus As A Marketer Should Be Getting As Much Traffic As Possible To Your Website Or Affiliate Link…

Beware though: But not all kinds of traffic will make you money. You need good quality traffic that actually converts!

Afterall, there’s no point in attracting a bunch of visitors to your site who are mere ‘browsers’, and not ‘buyers’.

Hi ‘” my name is Wayne Miller. I used to be a frustrated newbie who struggled to get traffic online, and here’s proof of that…

This was a common sight in my Clickbank account! It was obvious that I wasn’Membership sitest making money because I didn’t know how to drive traffic!

…hoping to find the ‘magic pill’. However, not only did I NOT get rich from doing so, I actually lost quite a bit of money!

To make matters worse, I was already a broke college student struggling to pay off my loans and expenses!

Things got slightly better when I landed a part-time job as a burger flipper at a local fast food joint.

However, I didn’t like the fact that the pay was little despite the long hours I put in! (sounds familiar to you?) It was barely enough for me to survive so I kept searching for ways to make more money. The thought of quitting my job did come to mind.

What drove me to FINALLY make that decision was when my girlfriend left me for a rich guy because she felt I couldn’t support her.

I told myself that I had to be successful. For that to happen, I had to leave my job and somehow start a business, as that was the only way I knew to be rich.

By sheer coincidence, on my last day at the fast food joint, I actually met its owner who is rarely seen at his restaurant but he decided to drop by for a brief visit that particular day.

The joint owner is known to be filthy rich. He owns a collection of luxury cars, a sprawling million dollar mansion and even a yacht. In short, he is a really wealthy and successful entrepreneur many could only dream of becoming!

That day, I was fortunate enough to have a casual chat with him after he found out I was leaving. I told him the reason I was going to leave, and also shared my desire to be as rich and successful as him one day…

As we spoke further, he told me that he was impressed by my drive. In fact, he said that I reminded him of his past as an ambitious young man who wanted to achieve more in life…

Then, as we were busy chatting, he suddenly let me in on a secret which few people knew about…According to him, the majority of his wealth didn’t come from his fast food joint! (which was what most people thought)

Then, he revealed to me that he was actually a rather famous internet marketing guru probably a lot of people knew about…but we made a pact to not reveal his identity.

At that point, I had already tried doing internet marketing part-time but I failed to make any money at all…

But because he used to be a software engineer, he was able to come up with a stupidly simple software that does all the work for him…automatically!

So I asked if he could share the software with me or if I could at least buy it from him. He politely said ‘no’ and explained that he had an agreement with his business partners to restrict the distribution of the software to prevent competition.

However, he agreed to show me how I could have a similar program built by hiring a coder online on Elance. So I did exactly what the joint owner told me…

I went over to Elance and managed to hire a young Russian programmer to code out the entire software for me

It wasn’t cheap… I literally emptied my savings and still had to borrow money from my family and relatives to get the software made.

However, I was sorely disappointed. I had only made a miserable $20 in just 1 week using the software.

I knew something was wrong. So I went back to the drawing board and made tweaks to it… The following week, it got slightly better. I started to average about $40 per day in profit.

Now this software has become my personal “cash spitting machine’�. Each time I need money, I literally just push a simple button and money rolls in automatically into my bank account!

Believe it or not, you’re just minutes away from a real fool-proof automated system that will hand you cash from Clickbank for just a few minutes’ work. It’s powerful and it’s very reliable.

Whenever… Read more…