Make PASSIVE Income With VIRAL Reports!
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How would you like to discover how to make every PDF document you create convert into autopilot streams of income for your business and act as a 24 hour automated sales tool for your websites?
But before we move on to that, let us ask you another simple question, ‘Are you making use of viral marketing to scale your online business?’
Just in case you’re still wondering what the heck the term ‘Viral Marketing’ means (which planet have you been living on?), it involves creating content of tremendous value and relying on other people to pass along your marketing message to as many people for you voluntarily.
And it’s been dubbed as the KING of all marketing because it’s free and it has the potential to spread like wildfire.
In short, it can create huge wonders for your online business. So if you’re not taking advantage of it, now is the time to start!
Now the most common forms of online viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, eBooks, rebrandable software, images etc – with the easiest of all being eBooks in PDF format.
One quick example would be creating a PDF report containing valuable information to your niche market and allowing others to pass on the giveaway rights to your report as well. As you’ll insert your own links to your websites inside the PDF report, when it gets passed around, it can get extremely viral and drive targeted traffic and sales to your sites.
But if you thought just by creating an eBook packed with killer information and passing on the distribution rights will result in a ton of people distributing it willingly for you, you’ve got to dreaming!
There are so many people who offer giveaway rights to their products, which means you’ll face a swamp of competitors fighting to get people to give away their products.
For instance, today you produce an eBook called ‘Traffic Secrets Revealed’ and you give it to your subscribers and tell them to pass it on if they like it. However the next day, someone else also comes up with his own Traffic eBook and does the same thing. And sooner or later, many others join in the crowd.
So unless you give an extra incentive for others to distribute your PDF eBooks, you can simply forget about it. And to do that, you’ll need…
In a nutshell, ‘PDF Brandable’ provides all the PDF eBooks you create with an added rebranding function.
1) PDF Brandable – use this to designate which links/text you want to allow your end users (affiliates, etc.) to rebrand.
2) The PDF Rebrander – include this together with your rebrandable PDF ebooks, so that the recipient can rebrand links/text that you’ve designated as being rebrandable.
You first set up special variables in your PDF file to indicate which link/text you wish to make rebrandable (detailed instructions included inside) and then load your PDF file via our brander. Thereafter, create your rebrander application.
The last step will simply require your end users (affiliates/subscribers) to open the rebrander application and load your rebrandable PDF.
They just have to enter their own desired values inside the application and save their own rebranded version.
And that’s it! Now they simply have to pass on their own rebranded version of the PDF and let it get viral for you.
Remember, most people are lazy. So by allowing others to be able to rebrand a PDF report with their own affiliate links and enabling them to distribute it, it’s going to be well-received among many.
And if you have your own affiliate program (which you should aim to have), then this software is a MUST for you.
Rebrandable reports are one of the best converting affiliate promotional tools you can provide to your affiliates and it acts as a perfect pre-selling tool for your products. So use them to motivate your affiliates and enable them to make more sales for you easily!
Just in case you’re wondering if the software actually converts word documents into PDF format as well, the answer is no. But if you’re unsure on how to create PDF reports in the first place, do not worry as we’ll reveal to you some free software you can use to convert word documents to PDF format.
So stop procrastinating and start using the power of viral rebrandable eBooks to propel business right now!
Have A Look At What Our Customers Have To Say!…
Now I can create reports that my affiliates can rebrand and hand out for me! I give them a percentage of the sale and they go out and promote my product for me. It’s a good deal and a win-win situation. I can see myself using this tool with every product release!
– All the best, James Vera
PDF Brandable was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I had been trying to do this for a long time but my budget would not permit it. Thanks so much.
This was the easiest set up I have seen and the price is incredible too. I literally had my affiliates at Ducker Promotion setting this up and passing my e-books out within hours of purchasing!
Anyone that has been wanting to create their own viral PDF e-books, to increase business profits, now is the time. You have before you the easiest and most affordable viral branding tool available on line today.
Sincerely, Debbie Ducker
Now anyone can add their affiliate links into my PDFs and promote my product. So simple, yet so potent! Love the software – keep them coming!
– Kind regards, Helga S.
After trying other PDF branding systems and methods I was about to give up on the whole viral PDF thing until now. This makes it as simple as it can get. What used to… Read more…