Make Money on eBay – Selling On eBay – The Powerseller Pro

Make Money on eBay ‘” Selling On eBay ‘” The Powerseller Pro

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Don’t You Just Wish You Could Tell All These Self-Proclaimed “eBay Gurus” To Just SHUT UP!!!

Instead of listening to the 2:00 AM “infomercial guy” on how to make money from eBay, learn from somebody who has been there, and done that.

Before I even get started, I just want to let you know that I am actually an eBay seller. How many times do you hear some so called eBay expert who knows all the “secrets” to make millions of dollars on eBay and all you have to do is just listen to what they have to say.

Then it turns out, you realize they don’t even sell on eBay. How absurd is that? Sadly that has become the norm, instead of the exception. Just take a look at all those infomercials that you see for eBay at 2:00 am. Do you really think those people sell on eBay????? I really don’t think so.

Well, let’s put an end to that right now!! My user ID on eBay is jac29000. My store name is Cookie’s Grab Bag. Better yet……let me just give you the link to my eBay store, so you don’t have to search yourself. Check it out….

So, as you can see, I actually have experience with eBay. I am a Powerseller with great feedback so I know what I am talking about. What a refreshing idea, huh??? I have been making a full time income on eBay since early 2007. But the good news is that I don’t work full time hours.

The truth is anybody can do it. eBay was made for the average working Joe/Jane who want to get out of the rat race and enjoy their free time. In fact eBay has created more entrepreneurs than anywhere else on the internet. More than 700,000 people still make their living on eBay.

Now, I just want to stress that I do this on a part time basis. I work about 20-25 hours a week on my eBay business.

I also sell on Amazon, and with that I am able to make enough money to cover most of my eBay and Paypal Fees. Here is what I made last year on a monthly basis with Amazon:

So you can do the math and figure out what kind of sales I generate. By the way, I have been able to do this during one of the world’s worst economic conditions in history.

You may be wondering how much I clear after expenses. From those sales, I get a net income of 75-80% after all expenses and my Powerseller discounts. Not too shabby for a part time job?

Many people LOVE the idea of selling on eBay. But unfortunately, most don’t know what it takes to get a successful eBay business up and running.

I’ll be the first one to tell you that starting a successful eBay business is not as easy as it once was about 4 or 5 years ago. HOWEVER, eBay is still by far the best and easiest way to make a living online.

As a matter of fact, there are still hundreds of thousands of eBay sellers who still make a full time living on eBay.

In fact, if eBay suddenly went away, the world’s economy would take a MAJOR hit, as there are over $100,000 worth of transactions being done every single minute.

However, there are many people nowadays who are trying to make a living with eBay, but unfortunately most people fail. Why is That??

It used to be a time, back in the early to mid 2000s where it didn’t matter who you were. You could make a living on eBay. You saw it all the time.

But yet they had success with eBay. It was due to the fact that it made no difference what you sold, how you sold it, when you sold it, etc…. eBay buyers, back then, were paying more for products on eBay, than they would have just by going to their local store. That’s how crazy it was!!!

Unfortunately, it’s not like that anymore on eBay, and the people who had no idea how to run a business, eventually crashed and burned. Because in the present time, you can’t just “wing it” like people used to do.

The days of not knowing how to run a business and succeeding on eBay are long gone! However that’s great news for those that are interested in actually learning how to run a profitable business on eBay.

Believe it or not, for those that know all the real shortcuts to succeeding on eBay, it is easier than ever to make money on eBay. Think about it. After all, you are talking about a website that gets over 2 million people visiting it a day!

Do you really think it’s not possible to make a few bucks with that kind of traffic???? The difference is that you are playing now under a new set of rules than you were several years ago. This is where The Powerseller Pro comes in and gives you the step by step procedure on how to make money with eBay.

You’ll be taken by the hand as I show you from my own experiences what it takes to become an eBay Powerseller. You will not have to go through the same mistakes that I made when I was first starting out. Your learning curve will be practically invisible.

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Well, it actually is. I am not one of these people who says you have to sell only one kind of product or sell from one type of niche category. Why on earth would I want to do that? Especially when there are 2 million people going to eBay each day looking for anything and everything under the sun. Why would I handcuff myself to one specific product line?

I can cast a much wider net by catering to a… Read more…