Learn to Housetrain your puppy or older dog the Right Way the first time

Learn to Housetrain your puppy or older dog the Right Way the first time

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My name is Jason Montag and I am pleased to announce my Brand New “Dog House Training” Program! This program was feverishly developed with “your needs in mind” from the beginning…

You see, I have been able to help out family and friends with their dogs housetraning plans but until recently have not been able to put my information out to the you!

I understand very much how imperative a housetrained pet is to me and my friends so I can only guess that it is of the same importance to you…

The problem is that it costs a ton of money to have a private dog trainer come out to your home and help you work with your dog or puppy! Most successful dog cratetraining companies are booked up all of the time and can therefore charge basically any amount they want for their highly sought after skills… Plus, it does not just take one expensive visit for them to get your dog pottytrained completely; it takes multiple pricey visits over many weeks and sometimes months. The trainers are booked up since there are tons more dog owners with dogs and puppies who are eliminating all over the house than there are qualified dog trainers out there… right? These companies are counting on you being desperate and that is not the case, you just need assistance.

Well, I forked out a ton of cash for a dog trainer years ago and I found that I could become an effective dog trainer by taking what I learned and altering it to fit my style and needs. You too can become an effective trainer and no longer have to depend on others to get you by.

I have compiled all that I have learned into an easy step by step manual to provide you with the best tool if you are serious about having a Fully Housetrained Puppy or Adult Dog!

I just watned to tell you how absolutely thrilled I am with your Pottty Professor trainning guide! Finally, a manual with directions that were easy to understand and very simple to follow. My male puppy was fully trained by 18 weeks (my past puppies always took 6-12 months, so this is a very big deal for me). Thank you for making my life so much easier! ‘” Barbara Evans

I recently trained my puppy, using your manual! What a result!!!!!! He’s only 11 weeks old now, and I started using your manual when he was just 9 weeks old, he’s already got the idea, and is more, or less fully trained! I downloaded your manual, and it worked, pretty much straight away! I was dubious at first, but would definitely, now recommend your manual to any puppy/dog owner. Well done! On producing such an informative manual, and thank you, so much! ‘” Mrs. Sacco

You don’t need to spend hours of time everyday day struggling trying to get them to make sense of what you are expecting from them. I have done the practice and the research and will give you the short and effective version of what you need to do. All you must do is follow the simple steps and stay consistent and that is it!

A “Secret” that Professional puppy potty trainers use is common sense. They take the basics they know about and make them seem more complex and intuitive! Once you know the same information you are just like them.

Although lots of professional dog trainers do have some incredible insight into the dog’s mind it is not necessary to do what they have done and spend years and year reading and studying everything about the dog brain to understand out how to get them to do what you want them to do. Just take the EASY concepts and EASY techniques and put them to work for you!!

Thousands of people just like you and me have used this manual to turn their mess making puppy into one that can be left alone with confidence. Have you ever spoken to someone that could leave their dog for hours with no fear of cleaning up a mess later? Sounds pleasant huh? Sure it does, that person has the confidence to let their dog have complete freedom to roam the house, even on the fancy carpet without fear.

Why would anyone accept a dog that pees all over the house for you to have to clean up when they do not have to? I don’t know!

Just think about this for a minute… I am serious, look ahead one year from now when your dog is full grown you are still coming home everyday to get on your hands and knees with a spray bottle of cleaner. Forget having to explain the huge and nasty stains on your floor. Forget not being able to take your dog to your friends house for the night. Would it not have been easier to housetrane them at the young age they are now? You bet it would be. Don’t let it get that far. Do not be the person your friends talk about behind your back.

Hi, my name is James L. I recently purchased your Potty Professor literature and I think it has some great info. I have also purchased some other books on puppy training, but they had only a short (1 or 2 pages) section about housebraking. The other books talked more about showing and obedience training. I have been using your methods for only a few days now and they seem to already be working. So a Thanks is due to you for that. …once again Thanks for the “Potty Professor”. ‘” James L.

Look, rarely do you find anyone in this world that will tell you the truth about anything, especially when they can make a ton of cash off of you. I am that person who is telling you that having a fully housetrained puppy or older dog is well within your grasp without spending… Read more…