Learn how to Make Pizza with the Pizza Therapy Pizza Book from pizzatherapy.com

Learn how to Make Pizza with the Pizza Therapy Pizza Book from pizzatherapy.com

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Hello, I’m Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter from pizzatherapy.com Read on and You Will Learn How to Unlock, the Secrets of Making Incredible Home-made Pizza!

The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book now includes a Bonus Video: How to Make Pizza Dough by Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter

Information contained in The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book is not available at pizzatherapy.com

Hello, my Friend. My name is Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter, and I have been making pizza for over 20 years.

Making pizza is my passion. After you get The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book, pizza will be your passion, too.

You will make your own Spiritual Pizza! When you get The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book, you will make pizza from your heart.

“…it was my first time making Pizza and dough. The result was unbelievable!! It

was much easier than what I thought. The taste of the pizza was great. My kids asking me since then to make pizza again and again ..Thank you.” Hesham

You can join the exclusive club of less than one per cent of people who not only know how to create pizza, but you will make amazing pizza.

My dad showed me the magic and power of making pizza. He inspired me to create the website pizzatherapy.com My dough recipe came from my mom. Both my parents are the children of Italian immigrants. My passion about food comes from them.

You will never truly know this, unless you experience the excitement of making pizza yourself!

(You will be able to download in under 5 minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection)

1) Get the Exclusive Pizza Ingredient Shopping List from Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter, as a Bonus Download!

Wait, there’s more: 2) I have included more than one secret unadvertised special bonus, (Retail Value Over $29.99), with your purchase.

Pizza Tools You Need and How to Save a Ton of Money When You Buy Them by Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter, pizzatherapy.com

You will receive this special, exclusive, invaluable, guide which explains the absolute best way to save money on Cooking and Pizza Tools.

Certain retail outlets DO NOT want this secret revealed. (You need to read this report for yourself, to find out why!)

This special report is not available anywhere else, for any price! This document is literally pure gold.

4) Purchase and Register You will be invited to join the exclusive Pizza Therapy Pizza Book List. You will get discounts, and information available no-where else! (Do Not confuse this list with Pizza News, my free ezine.) (This is a $99.00 dollar per year value: Free!)

5) The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book now includes a Bonus Video Presentation: How to Make Pizza Dough by Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter This is a large file (13.2 MB) Download this priceless video and watch it again and again…

Of course if you are not completely satisfied for any reason I will give you a complete refund! No questions asked!

A master pizzaiolo (pizza maker) might charge you about $500, to come to your house to make pizza. Read more…