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As an writer and author of dog books, I’m concerned that you’re not getting the facts you need . . . and deserve when it comes to choosing and owning your Labradoodle.
Well, for starters: the number of Labradoodles currently in shelters and rescues is proof people aren’t getting critical information before they choose (and hope to enjoy) the companionship of their new dog.
That’s right. And as an author, it’s my job to care you get that critical information. In fact, it’s more than a job, it’s a passionate commitment ‘” particularly when it comes to Labradoodles.
And here’s why: I recently spent over 12 months researching and uncovering facts on these wonderful dogs potential owners aren’t aware of. . . by coaxing dozens of experienced owners and Labradoodle breeders to share their knowledge.
And if there’s one opinion virtually every one of those experienced owners and breeders agreed on, it’s this. You’ve got to understand 3 key facts about these unique dogs to be sure you’re getting a healthy companion.
So, if you want the sense of pride that comes from owning a healthy Labradoodle. . . while avoiding the mistakes many owners make when choosing their puppy. . . then what you’re going to discover in the next few minutes will save you time, money, and potential heartache.
But that’s not the bad news. No. The bad news is anyone can put up a web site on Labradoodles and be perceived as an expert. Leaving you to guess who you can trust for accurate information about these unique dogs.
Speaking as someone who has owned and trained Retriever mixes for over 20 years, I know what it takes to raise and train a dog. And being left to guess if you chose the right dog can lead to costly vet bills and emotional heartache.
Now, my husband and I currently own two beautiful, well trained dogs and decided we wanted to add a third one to our home.
And as I began my research on non-shedding dogs I discovered the Labradoodle and found, like most people, their major selling point is their allergy-friendly coat.
Which means you’re left trying to figure out if the Labradoodle puppy you just fell in love with has those traits.
There are different types of Labradoodles ‘” all with very unique characteristics. You have Australian Multigens, F1’s, F1B’s, and F2’s. And each one comes in different sizes and colors ‘” and with a unique temperament.
So trying to figure out which one does or doesn’t have an allergy-friendly coat, or a mellow temperament, or is susceptible to major health problems is not a simple task.
In fact, the more long-time owners and breeders I talked to the more obvious it is that having the facts in your hands before bringing home your new Labradoodle puppy is THE most important factor to you and your dogs happiness.
And tragically, some people learn this too late and spend from $500 to $3000 on a Labradoodle puppy.
And you know what happens? They unfortunately end up with a puppy having few, if any, of the traits they need.
Because here’s what you need to understand: For a typical breed, like a German Shepard or Golden Retriever, each dog is very much like the next one. In a way, it’s basically; a Golden Retriever is a Golden Retriever is a Golden Retriever.
But Labradoodles, with their different sizes, shapes, and temperaments are a very different story. And like it or not, there’s one stark fact you have to come to terms with:There is no “standard” Labradoodle.
It’s just that any resource you use to select a Labradoodle must be complete, accurate, and crystal clear ‘” with each type of Labradoodle thoroughly explained.
And what’s really beautiful is getting the wisdom of some of the sharpest, most successful Labradoodle breeders in the world.
In fact, you get proven insights from a number of these breeders and experienced owners ‘” men and women with razor-sharp minds totally committed to producing healthy, well-tempered Labradoodles ‘” of every kind!
Not only that, you get interviews with these experts so you can apply the exact same strategies they use to feel the unconditional love, constant companionship, loyal friend for life, and sense of pride you get from your dog.
You get to discover all the surprising facts about Labradoodles, in order to appreciate this unique breed, as well as, get the dog you want ‘” and deserve.
Inside this downloadable ebook you’ll find proven health, training, and puppy socialization strategies and techniques you can use to effectively choose, raise, and appreciate these unique dogs.
Because the truth is, there are ways to discover if the Labradoodle you want is non-shedding and allergy-friendly.
And here’s how: On pages 69- 93 you learn what to look for in a breeder and why its critical for determining allergy-friendly traits. So, after reading that chapter you can take that information, and by using the Labradoodle breeder evaluation form included as a free bonus, make sure you get the right Labradoodle for you and your family.
Just think. Once you have the right puppy, start applying a few simple training and behavioral strategies you’ll learn in the Chapters on Behaviour based training and Crate training and before long you’ll be getting compliments and respect from your friends and family on what a pleasure your dog is to be around.
Have A Labradoodle That’s An Absolute Pleasure Around The House, Incredibly Gentle With Children, And Doesn’t Cost You A Small Fortune!
I was impressed by how thoroughly… Read more…