Kindle Publishing Made Easy – Step-by-Step Guide & Video Tutorial
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I’ve saved you time and trouble with my special Kindle Publishing Made Easy eGuide & Video Tutorial by compressing essential formatting tactics into bite-sized pieces so you can easily digest it without suffering from information overload.
You will discover how easy it is to quickly format your book into a great-looking Kindle version and publish it in the popular Amazon Kindle Store. One happy eGuide owner said it used to take him six to seven hours to publish a Kindle book. Since buying Kindle Publishing Made Easy, he does it in less than an hour!
This product is solidly based on my own experience of publishing and selling Kindle books. Put my name in the Amazon search engine to see some of my products.
The Kindle Publishing Made Easy eGuide & Video Tutorial will open the door to amazing opportunities in the online publishing world and help you become known as an AUTHORity in your field of expertise.
I’ve even included some special bonus to help you transform your digital book into a paperback and sell it on Buy my Kindle Publishing Made Easy eGuide & Video Tutorial now and you will also receive:
It’s possible.. if you get your Kindle formatting right. And Kindle Publishing Made Easy e Guide & Video Tutorial will show you how. Better than that – it will explain in a simple, easy-to-follow style exactly what to do and how to do it!
And as another saying goes:” Instruction is appreciated if it is well presented” (Proverbs 16:21).
There are roughly a billion computers on the planet connected to the internet and about four billion mobile devices, the majority of which can read eBooks in numerous formats using free software. The Kindle has become the most gifted item in Amazon’s history. It took the iPod and iTunes many years to become the number one music retailer in the US. The Kindle has overtaken the competition in just two years. The amazing Kindle has done for books what the iPod accomplished for music.
You can get instant access to the Kindle Publishing Made Easy eGuide & Video Tutorial today. And by tomorrow you will be publishing and selling your own books in the Kindle Store where literally millions of readers are looking for new books to buy and enjoy.
I purchased Kindle Publishing Made Easy from Val Waldeck and by using the program; I published my book within three weeks. I would have had a difficult and frustrating time if I had tried to publish without the guide. It’s easy and the step by step process will take you from a manuscript to a published book in no time at all.I happily recommend the Step by Step guide to anyone who wants to self publish and for the cost of the guide, it is an absolute must. – Craig A Ferreira, Discovery Channel, National Geographic.
I can’t say enough about my purchase of ‘Kindle Publishing Made Easy’ It has been my roadmap to getting my reports and short stories up and loaded into my Library Shelf. Before I found Val Waldeck’s manual, I had attended a Webinar. This Webinar got me interested, but it didn’t give me any clarity as to the steps I would need to take to publish with Amazon. Then along came Val! Her manual is ultimate for beginners to get published at Amazon. Her pages and screen shots were what I needed to understand the steps I would be taking. They were clear, concise, and for me, very productive! She even gave me links to free tools to get me up and running! What joy! I urge others who want to publish their treasures to first buy her manual, and then just get going! I have wanted to do this for a long time. With your tutorial, I now have 10 books on my bookshelf! I am a 71 year old Great Grandmother in the United States, Midwest. – Kathlene Amerine, USA
I remember a book, “Computers for dummies.” That’s me! My children say that I am technologically impaired. Yet I found your book on Kindle publishing easy to follow, with clear illustrations and arrows indicating “press here!” Now, thanks to the simple step-by-step guide I have my first book published by Kindle and am well on my way with the second. Thanks a ton, Val, for your huge contribution towards helping other writers get published. – Gerald McCann, South Africa
I will be writing a product review and telling people just how easy your eBook makes it to get Kindle published. I’ve now created two kindle products. I have to say that I purchased another product (before yours) to get myself Kindle published but I found gaps in it that would have stopped me. Yours was (is) a breath of fresh air that explains every detail. Congratulations on a well written and illustrated product. Right from the off you had me eager to complete it, pure excellence Val, thank you. – Barry Wells, UK *** Barry’s Review ***
I highly recommend ‘Kindle Publishing Made Easy’. It certainly lives up to its name. Val has succeeded in making what is potentially a very complex and confusing process into one that is very easy to follow, with instructions that someone with no knowledge of html language can easily follow. She describes every step in the process in a clear, concise and logical way including everything you need to know in written form backed up with helpful… Read more…