Kindle Profits Exposed

Kindle Profits Exposed

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Have you noticed a lot of gurus are now preaching about Private Label Rights and Public Domain eBooks? They tell you to buy up as much as you can, and then sell them ‘” You’ll make a fortune!

The Kindle is an electronic ebook reader sold by Amazon. It is the size of a small paperback book, but lighter. It stores hundreds of ebooks that are all downloaded from Amazon’s Kindle Store to the Kindle reader.

The Kindle Store is your virtual goldmine. The Kindle Store is an Amazon ebook store that allows you, and anyone else, to jump online and sell their digital products FAST ‘” using their traffic, their website, their delivery system, and their effort to make YOU money!

And if have any Private Label Rights ebooks, this method involved only about 10 minutes worth of work! You just fill out a form… Upload the ebook… And PRESTO! You’re making money.

Just fill out the form below and you’ll immediately receive an email with my list of top 5 best selling types of ebooks (these ebooks have created a very nice Monthly Residual Income Stream for me.)

The best part is, your customers don’t have to connect to a computer to buy a new ebook. Kindle users can go online from anywhere using JUST the reader, and purchase new material to read. No computer, no cables. It is completely portable!

You know, with just the info I’ve given you above, you could probably start making money with this opportunity. But through my experience with it, I’ve come up with a system that is so powerful, so fool-proof, and so easy, that you’re virtually guaranteed to make money!

Where to get content ‘” find the hidden sources of public domain, creative commons, and private label content that you can SELL for profit!

How to price your ebook ‘” For the best response. Too low, and you won’t make much… To high, and you won’t make anything at all!

How to repeat this system over and over ‘” for maximum effectiveness with minimal effort! By the time your first ebook is available on Kindle, I can show you how to have another 10-20 waiting to go!

I read Kindle Profits Exposed and realized how much easier it would be for me to profit with Kindle'” does all the marketing and selling for me'”than to try to draw traffic to my own website(s) with eBooks. Also, I figure the Kindle audience includes buyers who either aren’t wired or are not on a computer at the time they feel moved to buy my books. I started out over-cautiously with what and how I published, plus I priced my offers at the lowest allowed on Kindle, but… (a)I’ve learned a lot, (b)I’ve sold eBooks from the public domain and those with private label rights, and (c)I’m tickled to have watched which item customers purchased most! Now I’m ready to publish at some higher prices and, soon, to publish some of my own nonfiction articles! Thanks for getting me started!!! Pat Thomas

After reading your Kindle Profits Exposed report I took about 20 of my eBooks and put them on Amazon just to see what they might do. I started this in June. The total as of the end of August is over $120.00. That isn’t bad for about an hours worth of work! I would be interested to see which eBooks tend to sell the best on Kindle. With another couple hours worth of work I could potentially double or triple my earnings. Thank you for sharing Kindle with the rest of us! Judie Brown

After purchasing Kindle Profits Exposed in June, within 2 days I uploaded a few public domain and PLR titles after following your simple instructions.I sold $64.34 in July and increased to $89.34 in passive income in August with multiple titles sold. Thanks for providing such a great resource on to how to publish on Amazon Kindle. Tamarila Shelton

Hi, I purchased your Kindle Profits Exposed which is really easy to understand. I took a few of my plr ebooks and published them on Kindle. It didn’t take much time to do the work, just uploading some files. I’ve already made $23.50 from two ebooks, easiest money I’ve ever made. Now I’m working on other great ideas you recommend in your ebook! Curt de la Cruz

I bought your “Kindle profits” ebook a while back and was very impressed with the information and how it was presented. I would have never thought about publishing on the Amazon kindle, until this ebook showed me how easy it really was to do. I have already put together some private label rights ebooks that I will be uploading to my Amazon account shortly. Once this is in place, I can continue to make money on this month after month. Ursula Eskridge

Thanks so much for creating, “Kindle Profits Exposed” I was in the middle of writing my own e-book and had no idea where to start selling it. I came across your easy-to-follow guide and now have the perfect sales tools at my disposal. I would have never thought selling on Amazon was so easy. It only took me about 15 minutes to get two of my newly published books online. I’m really excited!! Chris Cox

This is a fantastic book. I have been working on my first ebook using your tips and look forward to making some good money. The information is clear, concise, and easy to follow. This is exciting and a great money making creative outlet! Thanks so much for all your research and tips! Kalli Widger

Hi, I’ve read Kindle Profits Exposed and it was an eye opener on how easy it is to set up additional profit streams. I liked the way you throughly explained how to find books to market on… Read more…