Keyword Scout

Keyword Scout

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Our mission is simple: To give you more time in your day. We cannot make days longer, but we can shorten the duration of everyday tasks. This tool will end up saving you money in the long run. Professional keyword research freelancers can charge you several hundreds of dollars for just a few hours of work. We have put all the important manual tasks that keyword researches do into 1 tool. Introducing Keyword Scout!

Scrape keywords in a niche of your choice or generate random product keywords with the click of a button. Removing brands is as simple as checking a box, and add brand names to your private database is as easy as click the “Brands” button and adding it to the list.

To narrow down the keywords you want, all you must do is fill out the text boxes. Keyword Scout also has presets to save you even more time. Just click the “Micro Niche” button to fill out all 6 text boxes with info. You can edit all of these presets in the settings, to fit your personal preferences. After setting the creteria, just choose what type of search counts you would like to use and click Scrape Keywords to add keywords to the table.

As we all know, exact match domains are found to be very helpful while ranking our sites in the search engines. To find exact match domains, just choose which domain extension you want to check and allow Keyword Scout to check every selected keyword to see if its available. You can also analyze SEO competition. Keyword Scout is capable of scraping data in an excellent duration of time, however it does depend a lot on your internet connection and computer specs.

After choosing which domain extensions you want to look at, you just click the Srape Data button and Keyword Scout returns a table like this:

Then, if you want to find out some information on the competition of these keywords, just check off the check boxes and Scrape Data.

There’s a lot more that Keyword Scout offers that you don’t see. You can save and open Keyword Scout projects.

Keyword Scout’s Proxy Manager allows you to scrape thousands of free proxies from Google, and test them all.

If you right click any keyword, you can search the keyword on Google to analyze the competition yourself, or send it to one of our addons that analyze the SEO competition for you.

I’m not really big on SEO, but I do work with clients on a daily basis who spend $XXX,XXX a month on it so it helps if I know what I’m talking about and have the ability to research keywords.

It’s easy to use, good value and has a ton of great functions. I can see this being the Scrapebox of keyword research.

I grabbed this EMD from the software about a week ago,built a wordpress site and with just some onsite seo and 3 articles this site is ranking on #3.

I think ill put traffictravis and samuri to one side and give this a try to be honest, the other tools can only do bits of what I need and this looks like the whole package for seo!

I’ve been around a while, and have used a number of various keyword and market research tools over the years. Keyword research takes up the majority of my time when launching new sites and flipping back and forth between 6 different tabs and 3 programs to get the information I want is quite honestly ridiculous.

I had the chance to test drive this in tool in beta and it is killer. I’ve never seen a tool that has integrated so many features surrounding keyword research, monitization, EMD availability, keyword suggestions and scraping, scraping and rotating of free proxies built in, CPC, exact/broad match, etc, etc…

For once in my life I found myself not wanting to kick the computer screen or pull out my teeth when doing keyword research. A lot of development obviously went into this tool.

I found enough domains/niches in my first day with this to more than pay for the month’s subscription. Hell, you can even just sell EMD/exact match keyword phrases at any IM forum and make your $ back.

Anyway, props to the OP and the great customer service. He was always available on Skype to answer my questions and took constructive feedback with ease.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google or Amazon, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google or Amazon. For optimal data scraping, an approximate $0.05/scrape captcha budget is recommended. This is by no means a requirement, and rarely will cost more than a few cents a day. Read more…