Join Get It By Deesign – Clickbank – Get It ByDeesign

Join Get It By Deesign – Clickbank – Get It ByDeesign

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And the best thing is? These templates have been created specifically for people who ‘can’t do design’. So even if you struggle to draw stick men, with Get It ByDeesign you’ll be producing marketing designs that will make your competitors cry into their cappuccinos.

There’s no need for any fancy design programmes, and I promise you will never have to go near Photoshop (unless you like that kind of thang!) to get these designs working for you and boosting those profits!

It’s fun, easy to use, straight to the point stuff that you can download and get results from in minutes. You’ll have that new product you’ve been working hard planning and crafting all laid out on a flyer, posted online and earning you cash before you’ve had time to get distracted by what that cute video of a kitten is up to on Facebook!

Here’s where it get’s really awesome though, you’ll get your hands on tried and tested design templates that will see you creating custom Facebook headers that stand out; fancy “social share” images that are just so tempting everyone and their mum will be sharing them; Flyers that make sales; website buttons that just have to be clicked; PDFs that position you like a pro… and so much more…

You’ll learn, the best way there is to learn, practical examples of marketing that works. You’ll learn how to craft your design so that it tempts, teases and sells! Knowing all this marketing stuff is great but if you don’t have the vehicle to put it in it falls flat, great marketing needs great design, and vice versa!

At Get It ByDeesign we’re here to help you through the mind field that is marketing your business and hold your hand (digitally) step by step in creating the marketing designs you need, whenever you need them, not just the theory, not just the awesome design advice but real, clear, templates that will help you maximise your business profits in a way that only professional designers and the big boys have managed in the past.

You don’t even have to be one of those ‘creative’ types. Just download one of the templates it’ll open in PowerPoint, have a quick scan of the ‘how to’ notes and you’ll be amazed at what you can create.

In other words I help experts like YOU create profitable, personable brands that attract more of your ‘Mr perfect customer’ and let you charge what you’re really worth!

As a designer myself, I’m always being asked for a piece of business stationery here and some marketing graphics there and the thing is – even though these are all small one off jobs… they do seem to crop up quite a lot…

The problem is that, even though it’s vital to keep your marketing on brand these days (otherwise you just end up putting out a bad image and attracting the wrong people) when you add that little lot up, it REALLY DOES ADD UP and in all seriousness, who’s got the money to spend on having a designer create all of this marketing collateral for you these days?

NO ONE. And that’s when something unspeakable happens. You’d better sit down for this bit…

You see, that’s when you end up going without, or worse still, you spend hours creating something for yourself in Word or Publisher that looks SHOCKING and we all know how bad that is for your business don’t we!

This sort of thing stirs an angry lil’ monster in me, so I set to work to see what I could do to help experts like you put out a consistent brand message WITHOUT breaking the bank.

If you are a smart entrepreneur and expert at what you do who wants to build a serious business and you already have your brand identity: your logo and brand images nailed, you don’t want to damage your brand on line with shoddy graphics but you also don’t want to have to pay a large design retainer right now, then Get it ByDeesign is PERFECT for you.

We know this is going to cost you more than a cuppa at your favourite coffee shop, but we also know that this is going to more than pay for itself. More sales, more customers, more recognition, now you won’t find that at the bottom of a tall skinny latte!

Bottom line, you want more business, and in order to get that you need to act and look like a pro, which either means hiring a designer every time you launch a product or need to promote a service – or you need to invest in yourself and get nailing the DIY (design it yourself) approach so that you can take control of your brand, your marketing and your sales… for good!

For only £30 (+ VAT) a month you can get your hands on profit boosting design templates full of marketing know how that will let you create exactly what you want when you want it, forever!

Plus you’ll get all the industry secrets on design, branding and marketing from the experts brand master, who usually charges upwards of £190 per hour for 121 consulting! Read more…