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If you just love making jewellery you’ve come to the right place ! How would you like 24/7 access for the next 30 days to our members area where there’s over 350 new jewellery making projects and videos for the price of a coffee ? PLUS, just for trying us out you will receive a complimentary copy of the “Funky Beads” ebook which has 20 original jewellery designs from talented but little known designers.
Our Aim here at Jewellery Making Online is to provide our members with the best and largest choice of projects, ideas and inspiration on the internet today, along with a great jewellery making shop with all the beads, books and materials you want at the best price possible.
We also want you to be able to share your talents and show off and perhaps even sell your finished items right here on our site. We have just launched our selling platform where you can upload your own items to sell. It costs you absolutely nothing in selling fees as long as you remain a member.
We not only have the well known designers sharing their work but also the little known but very talented designers that we have discovered along the way !
We have searched worldwide to bring you a fantastic array of new and easy to follow jewellery making projects and video instructions by the experts and designers from all parts of the globe have contributed their favourite jewellery projects and through Jewellery Making Online you can reproduce their fabulous designs and look a million dollars too.
Ideal for beginners as we show you step by step where to start, what tools you need and how to make your first beaded jewellery item. It`s the next best thing to a class ! If you are more advanced then we are a great source of inspiration, get tips from the experts, learn a new technique or try a new design. There`s something for everyone . We also have jewellery making videos for you to see to give you even more inspiration.
As a member you will have the chance to become one of our designers- one of our little gems ! To have your work and your name out there in front of the jewellery making community. You can show off your talents and we have a shop where you can sell your finished items to other members and the public…. For FREE
Here at Jewellery Making Online we love to share our ideas on new projects,if you have a favourite design and want to share it with us, please use the Submit Jewellery tab on the home page. If you wish to share how you made the piece, send us a step by step instruction guide and some in progress and finished item photos.
Once you are a member you can trawl through the hundreds of projects and then visit “New Designs this month” section for the latest and original jewellery making designs and projects that you can try for yourself at home.
Join the fastest growing Jewellery Making club on the internet today ! Join for a half price trial for the first month, access as many projects as you like and receive your free funky beads book, all for the price of a coffee. We look forward to welcoming you to our jewellery making community… Read more…