Jamaica Recipes Cookbook Vol-1

Jamaica Recipes Cookbook Vol-1

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“You’re About To Learn Secrets That Most People Will Never Know About Jamaican Dishes…” READ AND LEARN…

A book which provides 100% reliable information on all aspects of Jamaica Dishes, “Jamaica Cooking’� book, is just a click away.

Whether you make Jamaican Food for pleasure, for your job, or just the occasional one-off for Christmas Day, The “Jamaica Cooking’� book can help you with Jamaican Food ideas, recipes, suppliers, news, and more.

The author of “Jamaica Cooking’�, Ramas N Rankin hardly needs any introduction. His culinary expertise is renowned internationally.

Some specialists even go to the extent of calling him The Walking Encyclopedia on Jamaican Cooking.

He has devoted a great deal of his life to study and research of associated issues and also has a vast practical experience. Cooking was his passion and he started cooking at a very young age of nine, learning under the aegis of his mother, sister and close friends. He also associated, learned and researched in company of Mr. Kerry Wisdom, a team member at ‘Jamaicacooking.com’ and an expert on Jamaican cooking.

On incessant persistence of friends, family and above all fans, he agreed to let whoever-desired share his expertise on Jamaican cooking through a website ‘” , which is grand success now.

The author’s intention is to bring to you as much information as possible on all aspects of Jamaica Cooking.

Through Jamaica Cooking, the author supplies you with a variety of recipes which will prove to you why the Jamaican food is capable to satisfy appetites all over the globe.

The author has spared no effort to ensure that the book encompasses all relevant information and presents the same to you in easy-to-grasp language.

We will come to the book in a minute; first let’s see opinions from people who know what they’re talking about.

Just finished reading ‘Jamaica Cooking’. Being a practicing Chef myself, I have a read several books on the subject. I have no hesitation in saying that ‘Jamaica Cooking’ deserves a place among the best.

It will be great if more experts come up with dishes which in addition to being delicious take the health point of view also into consideration.

Professor Ayesha Anjuman, Head, Home Science Department, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ultimately, it is the readers and users who will decide whether ‘Jamaica Cooking’ has been able to fulfill what the author intended to; however, the initial responses have been fabulous.

The book has been received warmly by both ‘” the experts on the subject and the laymen alike. Users are also forwarding comments on recipes for particular dishes.

The following specialty dishes have been especially appreciated by a large number of users.

Escoveitch Fish, Brown Stew Fish, Saltfish Fritters, Ackee and Saltfish, Red Snapper Dish, Baked Crabs, Curried Lobster, Grilled Lobster etc.

Corn Bean Casserole, Beets and greens, Cabbage and Celery, Bean Dinner Salad etc.

Those who have enjoyed author’s cooking keep repeating to their friends and acquaintances about their experience. They may have like different dishes but they are all anonymous on one subject that whenever Ramas cooks there is always something new ‘” a surprise and he also make cooking look so easy and full of joy. Taking advantage of his vast experience Ramas prepares dishes that make the mouths water before tasting and spellbound after experiencing it. He can cook with same skill both for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. He says, “Good food can turn even a crisis into a happy ending.’�

With the help of Jamaica Cooking you can make the food look beautiful, taste great and at the same time provide desired degree of nutrition.

It does not matter whether you are cooking for 5, 50 or even 500, you can do it the least fuss, ease and without complication.

‘” great concern shown by the author to ensure that all the ingredients in every recipe are health friendly.

Though the taste of a dish has remained the central theme while finalizing a recipe, the type of calories that the dish will provide, has always been taken into account. After all, the basic purpose of the food is to provide genuine nutrients to the body. Even the fitness enthusiasts can safely prepare a dish and have their fill.

The quality of recipes and the flair of the book have endeared the users no end. In turn, the users too have not hesitated in demonstrating their appreciation. Have a look at the …

Thanks a lot for making my cooking a fun. Please do intimate me in case there is a sequel to the book.

Not only the composition of recipes but also the way the cooking methods have been explained can be easily understood even by a layman. While I plan to throw a party for my wife and kids, serving dishes prepared exclusively by yours truly, I congratulate and thank Mr. Rankin for such a delightful book.

The book Jamaica Cooking deserves a place at the desk or in kitchen of everyone who takes an interest in cooking. For people who are associated with the culinary professions it is a must have.

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