Is Your T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G Making You Rich? or Poor? ‘”
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You can also use this same Incredible Totally 100% Generic e-book to promote your own Online Business, Program, Opportunity, Affiliate Link, Product, or Service and have the potential to even Make a lot More Money!
This e-book was written by Frank A Trueblood, one of the Best-Selling Authors about Making Money online. This eye-opening Income-producing e-book was written to help every person on the Internet become Rich and Successful. And … you’ll soon discover why giving this e-book away for FREE has the potential to make you Successful beyond your wildest dreams. The more copies you give away, the more money you could have filling up your bank account!
Above is an actual Clickbank chart showing how much money I’ve made for a mere 2 weeks with just One of my e-book projects. Now understand I’m not bragging here, I just want to show you what is possible. By the way, you’ll be receiving your checks every 2 weeks just like clockwork for any of the sales made from you simply giving away the “Is Your T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G Making You Rich or Poor” e-book.
Clickbank keeps track of everything for me and my affiliates. You can go to your account at any time to see how much money you are making and how big your check is going to be.
You don’t have to keep track of anything because Clickbank takes care of all of that for you. And all you do is concentrate on Giving away the income-producing T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G Rich or Poor e-book for FREE. Now you might already be asking yourself ‘” Is it really this easy and this simple to Make this kind of Money? And … if it really is this easy and this simple, how does it work?
One of the very first things and one of the main things you will notice about this very short but very effective T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G Rich or Poor e-book is that it is Totally 100% Generic. Meaning, the e-book does not talk about or mention any specific product or company at all. What it does do, is give your prospects (the people you send the e-book to for FREE) a good idea of just How Much Money they can Make on the Internet and gives them the complete guidelines they need for doing so.
Now … here is where you really want to pay close attention. When the e-book gets to the really good juicy part of telling your prospects about How they are going to be Making all of this Money on the Internet and then tells them this is the link they need to click on in the e-book to see how they are going to be making all of that money … the link in the e-book your prospects will be clicking on is YOUR link!
You see, before you sent out this sure-fire Money-Making T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G Rich or Poor e-book for FREE, you had your link embedded into the e-book. The embedded link is YOUR Link and it takes your prospects to whatever program, opportunity, product or service it is that you are promoting! And … it even gives your prospects one other Incredible way of Making Money besides clicking on your link and finding out how they can make money with you, using your product or service or maybe joining your opportunity or whatever it is that you’re promoting.
Now hold on to your seat because you are absolutely going to love this. Even if your prospect decides the opportunity you have listed in the e-book is not for them, they are more than likely still going to want to use the e-book themselves for promoting what they are doing online. This is where it gets really exciting, because this is how you have the potential to turn every single online marketer into one of your best-paying customers!
You see, when they have the e-book re-branded and acquire the resale rights to have their own link embedded into the e-book just like you did, you will earn a Nice Big Commission! That’s right, you will earn a Full 50% Commission each and every time they re-brand an e-book! No matter how many times each of your referrals re-brands the e-book! And you better believe these Commissions can add up to be a nice 2-week check, similar to the chart directly below.
Can you imagine … your prospects, who would normally just be part of your online marketing expense and would have been history, are now good-paying customers for you. So let’s summarize and put it all together into a neat little nutshell for you.
The first thing you do is read the “Is Your T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G Making You Rich or Poor” e-book for yourself which will teach you how to become Successful and Rich.
Next you will want to purchase the resale and re-branding rights to this Incredible Income-Producing “Is Your T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G Making You Rich or Poor” e-book.
The copy of the re-branded e-book will contain your personal link to any Website, Product, Service, Opportunity, or Affiliate Program you have that you want to promote.
You can even choose to have the e-book fully customized with your personal name, your (opportunity ‘” program ‘” service ‘” or affiliate link) and even have it customized with the exact dollar and cents amount of your (opportunity ‘” program service ‘” or affiliate program) you would… Read more…