Instant Book Club

Instant Book Club

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Alright before I get too ahead of myself, I am not implying that everyone can make millions off the bat. But let’s agree that many are making at least a comfortable living doing this.

And the geniuses among them aren’t slaving away at their computers for 12 to 18 hour days… mind you!

Because… (right now I’m going to reveal exactly how they do it)… They let someone else do all of the hard work for them!

You’re considering to publish your way to riches but chances are you aren’t quite sure how it’s done just yet. You might think that nothing short of working on your first product for several weeks will get you there. Even so, what should you publish about? What are the hot topics out there that people are paying top dollar for?

If you want to guarantee that you are operating in an evergreen gold mine, I advise you to publish your own info products in any of the following areas:

These are the BIG THREE markets that will not only never run short of demand, but are constantly hungry for demand!

Now you might feel that you’re not qualified enough because you don’t have both the expert status and the contents right now.

What’s more, are you ready to spend the next several weeks just working on only one product? And this is also based on the assumption that you already have all the skills necessary to make one.

INSTANT BOOK CLUB COMPONENT #1: 3 x High Quality, HOT Demand Products With Private Label Rights Each Month!

Every month, you will get 3 instant information products aimed at the following evergreen, hot topics I was just telling you about. Essentially, you will get 1 turnkey businesses of each category here. As mentioned, I have identified these as some of the hottest information markets on the Internet. The demand is SO BIG it’s hard not to make money from them!

Each information product comes in PDF and Word format. The Word document is the original source file that you can edit and rebrand as your own!

Just getting the books on their own is meaningless ‘” you need to have a channel to sell them. Fortunately you don’t have to break your bank account to hire expensive copywriters… because I am including a sales letter and thank you page with each of the products!

You no longer have to crack your head for days or even weeks as you painfully forge your own sales piece!

We are giving this to you so you can put your name and order link, slap it up on your website and start selling quickly! Feel free to edit the sales letter too ‘” you can add your own bonuses and also customize your Thank You page feel anyhow you want!

(For the record, a decent copywriter charges at least $1,000 and above per sales piece so in a real essence this thousand dollar work is handed to you on a silver platter!)

With each product, you also get the editable rights to the 2D and 3D E-Covers, and Mini Site graphics! You can edit the PSD files in Adobe Photoshop and add your name or URL, or even change the title of the E-Covers ‘” it’s your choice!

It is said that a decent sales copy converts at 4%. In other words, for every 100 visitors to your website you can get 4 sales. But what do you do with the 96% of the traffic that would otherwise go to waste?

And what better way than to use a squeeze page to capture these leads, with a free report to bribe them in?

Again, this normally sets you back a few hundred dollars if you outsource it out ‘” but fret not, I got this covered for you.

With every e-book business in a box, it won’t be complete without a squeeze page and an additional freebie to rebrand and give away… so I won’t leave you hanging!

Ultimately, being a member entitles you to the exclusive Private Label Rights that comes with each info product business every month!

On top of the flexible rights, you can generate and keep ALL the profits you make from selling to end users… or if you want, you can also make extra bang for the bucks from licensing the Resell Rights or Master Resell Rights to these products!

Other memberships do not go into the same level of detail and will require you to do some editing before selling.

We provide you with 3 new products every month. This give you time to work on other areas of your business and plan a strategic method of promotion.

Other memberships may provide more products but will often sacrifice quality for quantity and buy from other membership sites, leaving you with unwanted products.

Instant book club products are 99% complete and ready for uploading. Simply replace with your name, Email and payment button and you’re good to go.

Other memberships will require you to make edits to the sales page, may include broken or ‘dummy’ download links and will take up your time which can be used on making money.

Each product comes with it’s own affiliate page and promotional material such as emails, banners, graphics and more to ensure your affiliates succeed and bring in more sales for you.

Other memberships neglect the affiliate page or just provide you with a base template. You are still required to add your own promotional content yourself.

Instant book club products come equip with an Email broadcast and newsletter for an instant eCourse. This will convert interested prospects into buyers. Each message is formatted 40 characters across for clean, professional-looking Emails.

We provide sets of animated banners for each product in standard sizes ‘” 160�-600, 120�-600, 250�-250, 125�-125, 468�-60 as well as an assortment of graphics. These will help you promote your own product and empower your affiliates!

Other memberships do not include animated… Read more…