Illustration Clients Course – Red Lemon Club

Illustration Clients Course – Red Lemon Club

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Having worked for myself as an illustrator for over nine years now, I’ve experienced the highs of being hired, but I’m all too familiar with long, frustrating periods of not getting any client work whatsoever.

For more than six years, my income from illustration fluctuated like a yoyo. I’d sometimes go months with not a thing from any potential clients, and I’d have to rely on other income sources to stay afloat.

I knew I had to market myself better, but was completely unfamiliar with how to do it. I didn’t know how to sell myself, and where to do it. No one had ever shown me this stuff.

I often found myself losing confidence in my own work, because there weren’t enough people willing to pay me for my illustrations.

I was also uncomfortable with the idea of selling myself. I just wanted to create beautiful things and make good money from it.

Many of the illustrators that I’ve worked with one-to-one, as well as many Red Lemon Club subscribers have echoed similar frustrations:

Talking to a lot of talented illustrators who are not seeing the success they deserve is very often heartbreaking.

It’s particularly tough seeing that the demand for (particularly digital) visual communication is growing, and there truly is a lot of potential out there.

You only need to do a Google search to see that this is a reality, especially with the huge growth of the Internet.

“…the need for illustration is growing. Newspapers such as the Guardian and the Observer, meanwhile, are expanding into the internet’s broad open spaces – spaces with plenty of room for illustration.” – Chris Riddell, 2012

“Vidyo Raises $20 Million to Address the Growth in Visual Communications as New “Internet of Things” Applications and Devices Emerge.” – Yahoo Finance, July 2014

“Alex is one of the few illustrators that I truly respect. He’s in this game for the long term, and his attitudes and work ethic reflect this. Alex’s advice is always sound, and he teaches an effective, ethical and fun approach to getting the results illustrators are after.”

It might feel like opportunities are decreasing for some of you. The industry is also filling up fast with thousands of other illustrators producing outstanding work.

I’ve spent over the last five years coming up with a way to most effectively win new client work and actually succeed as an illustrator.

I’ve failed miserably, but I’ve also seen big successes, working with companies like Google, Mars, Kraft, the BBC, and Wired Magazine.

I’ve also worked directly with more than fifteen illustrators as a coach over the past year, and learned a huge amount from teaching and cementing my ideas further by seeing what actually works in the real world.

I’ve taken the best of what I’ve learned and turned it all into a new step by step guide for illustrators.

You receive a 100-page guide, as well as a special full length audio of the guide, with extra commentary from myself not found in the ebook, and more resources.

Sign up to receive a free sample of Get Illustration Clients to see more content, and what the main guide looks like.

One of the things we cover in the course is building a ‘Value Network’. This is your close network of people that are in some way valuable to your business, and life, including prospects.

Most people spend too much time promoting themselves on social media while totally neglecting to nurture a limited list of key people.

Having huge lists of people that you could be working with often leads to taking no action at all. We focus on limitation to generate focus and more internal energy.

The value network we build in the course is limited to 150 people only, and this makes a massive difference.

And I have found it to be the most fundamental part of not only bringing in illustration clients, but in having a successful life in general.

The guide explains exactly how to set this up, how to communicate with people in your network over time so that you begin bringing jobs and big opportunities into your life, and how to not let this overwhelm you.

“I had gotten to a point in my career where I had several successful projects, but getting work was getting harder and my energy level was low after a few years of working hard and barely making ends meet. Personally, I was tired and burned out, and everything I was doing wasn’t leading to the results I desired: increased income, more creative projects or stable finances. I knew I didn’t want to repeat the cycle another year. Since using Alex’s course, I have been making connections that have lead to new projects and a renewed energy to be in business for myself. The course put me back on track. I didn’t realize how much I felt alone in trying to figure out how to get unstuck.”

A self-taught illustrator, Alex has spent the last nine years working with the best and the worst clients from locations around the world. He’s currently based in London, UK.

He’s been through great highs, and huge lows. He’s been burned, lost money, and wasted a lot of time on poor projects.

I now feel that I have the confidence to really move my business forward in 2015 and that is all down to Alex’s insights and deep knowledge of the modern and fast moving industry that we find ourselves working in.”

“Alex has provided some of the most valuable and constructive help and advice I’ve received in my career to date. The biggest and most practical benefit for myself was to figuring out how to build a simple client management system, based on Alex’s method’s and then how to put that system into practice. Through working with Alex and implementing his ideas, I’ve grown my client list, but more importantly have a much… Read more…