How to Write a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

How to Write a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

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“If you want a Million Dollar marketing message that broadcasts to the world exactly who you are, attracts customers like honey attracts bees, and cranks out sales like there’s no tomorrow, then this may be one of the most important manuals you will ever read. It’s the answer to the entrepreneur’s and small businessman’s dream … ”

The business world is fierce. Only the strongest survive. In this dog-eat-dog world, at times you can even feel your competition’s breath at the back of your neck. You need all the help you can get and every advantage possible to make your life easier.

Your competition is probably a nuisance. They steal away your customers and clients. They are a constant hassle that burns at your belly and grinds you down, endlessly torturing you with worries that keep you awake at night. You are always having to plan your next strategy to increase sales and fight them off, and it’s wearing you down. They are an absolute pain in the as* that costs you time, energy, sales, and money and you wish there was something you could do about it …

Something final, something GRAND, something ULTIMATELY POWERFUL and competitively CRUSHING that would bring you to an entirely different level of operations where you weren’t competing with anyone any more, could PAUSE to take a breather for a change, take a VACATION every once in a while and start floating through life with more CASH and enjoyable flow.

You know that because of competition your business is at stake. Your livelihood is at stake, too, … your health is at stake and your peace of mind needs a booster. There are loans to be paid, suppliers to placate, employees need to be told what to do, stress has got to be gotten rid of and your customers need to be convinced to stay with you rather than buy what they want elsewhere. You’re tired of hearing clients ask for lower prices when you are already doing the best you can and FRANKLY, you know that lower prices aren’t going to solve your problems.

Like all businesses, you want a steadier stream of customers, better CASH FLOW and more profits but you know that even if you service your customers better than your competition, if you don’t find a special NICHE and perfect your message and get it out there then you won’t be around for long.

The problem is, no one is hearing your message as is, and it might not be the right one in the first place. You need a way to both find your market niche and come up with the optimal message of unique selling points that will maximize your profits.

Today it’s not the business with the best product or service that WINS, but the business with the best marketing that wins. You need to develop a specialized reputation to bring in the customers and cash like clockwork. So what are you going to do about it? How are you going to FIGHT BACK and claim those customers and an easier life that’s due you? How can you make your advertising cut through all the chatter?

You need a way to find a highly profitable competitive market niche and claim “top of the mind” awareness for all those potential customers out there, because you want them to think of you FIRST.

You need a way that you become KNOWN as the only logical, rational, viable choice for supplying your type of goods and services.

You need some way that buys you higher prices and profits without any customer objections.

You need a way to get customers EXCITED about buying from you and forgetful of your competition, something that will weld them to you with a loyalty that cannot be broken.

What you need, my business friend, is a UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION, a USP.

“I finally quit the corporate world. Something I’ve wanted to do for the last three years and it never came due to one reason or another. Your USP Manual did it. I did not expect that finding my USP is the main key to bring clarity and courage. I told my boss yesterday about quitting; he agreed and offered to retain me as a consultant! It could easily mean that I work less and make more and have more time. The funny thing is that I knew of my uniqueness all along but never took it seriously. Professional advertising friends told me and we joked about it. But it passed me until I sat down and do the 10 exercises listed. The exercises need to be done, but your pre and post-treatment of the exercises is what I cherished most. All of your work is great but this book can really serve everybody…Thank you so much.” Jok-keng Lee Environmental Consulting Malaysia

“Over the past 20 years I have had the good fortune to work with the greatest marketing minds and top copywriters in the world, including Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, John Carlton, Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer. I just finished reading John Carlton’s latest newsletter that focused on creating a USP. That sparked my curiosity and I searched the internet for more information. As luck would have it, I found William Bodri’s E-book on how to create a Million Dollar USP. I read the book from cover to cover that day I got it. It packs more useful and practical information, in its 176 pages, than any other books I’ve read that focus on creating a USP. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in growing their business and reaping the rewards that come with creating a powerful USP.” Sam Fishbein Kacey Fine Furniture 900 S. Santa Fe Drive Denver, Colorado 80223 303-817-7102

A USP is a marketing concept invented by Rosser Reeves in the 1960’s. Reeves, who wrote Reality in Advertising, came to the conclusion that the only way to make customers come to you was to create… Read more…