How To Start A Trading Blog From Scratch

How To Start A Trading Blog From Scratch

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If you start with a no-backbone, this-is-just-a-hobby, whatever-dude attitude, then you will end up with what most bloggers have:

I struggled along for three long years. Not making any money, pulling all-nighters to write blog posts that nobody read.

Finally, after beating my head against the wall for years, I decided to make a change in my mindset.

After I did that, I started making friends in the trading community, I started making money with my blog by helping people and I understood my trading mistakes better.

If you want to shave 2, 3 and even 5 years off your learning curve and discover what I had to find out the hard way, then I would like to share my experience with you.

You can be that guy/gal that walks into a party 2 hours late with a killer outfit, the coolest hair and some nice arm candy…

In the blogging world, even brand new blogs can gain readers very quickly if they do one simple thing:

Even if you don’t know how to create value yet, I’ll get to that a little later in this letter.

Understanding how you can improve AND being able to borrow what is already working is soooo much easier than being the very first person to ever start a trading blog.

Because most traders are focused more on trading and not on blogging. Obviously there is nothing wrong with that.

In addition, like I mentioned before, most blogs don’t make any money, so there is no reason for their owners to keep them in tip-top shape.

Therefore, since most trader/bloggers treat their blog as a hobby, it is that much easier to carve out a unique niche on the internet.

Since the only ethical way to make money is to provide something of value that others are willing to trade for cash, it comes down to figuring out how to help people.

My course will provide simple and fun exercises to systematically dig deep and discover ways to help people.

Contrary to what you see in movies like “Wolf of Wall Street” or “Boiler Room”, I have personally discovered that traders are some of the funniest, most straightforward, honest and interesting people on earth…

They are on my Skype contact list. I have their personal email addresses. I even have a couple of mobile phone numbers.

Now, I’m not saying that I pester these traders all the time because that’s not cool and you shouldn’t do it either.

But if I do have a quick question, or want to work with them or just grab a drink, I know EXACTLY how to contact them.

But above all else, I also value the friendship of some of these people because they are some of the coolest people I have ever met.

A trading blog can also help traders be more accountable for their trading results. Blogging about trades helps traders concentrate on trades…not other things that don’t matter…like TV.

How have you gotten into jobs, businesses or hobbies in the past? You hung around people who where doing these things.

Maybe your Uncle Bob’s entire portfolio consists of those 50 shares of General Electric that he bought in the 1970’s, or perhaps your co-worker tried Forex trading last year and blew out his account.

They are probably great people, but not the best role models when it comes to becoming a successful trader.

A blog can help you attract people who are making a living trading or others who share your level of dedication.

Week 1: Develop Your Unique Blog Personality Week 2: Set Up And Design Your Blog Without Technical Experience Week 3: Start An Amazing Content Bank Week 4: Develop A Networking Plan Week 5: Create Your Pre-Takeoff Checklist Week 6: Unleash Your Blog On The World Week 7: Make Your First $3 With Your Blog Week 8: How To Create Blog Posts To Stay Accountable For Your Trading

The Trading Products Directory – Quality trading products that can be promoted on a blog for a commission.

60 Day “Traders Pact” Guarantee:  If you purchase this course and you don’t like it, just contact me and I will give you a full refund.  There is no risk to you.

Get lifetime access to The Founders Circle: A private forum that will allow you to connect with other trading bloggers and get new lessons as they become available.

Advanced Bonus Lesson #1: The mini course income strategy – After implementing this strategy, my blog finally became profitable.  I will give you the exact blueprint for how I did it.

Advanced Bonus Lesson #2: How to start a trading podcast – Learn the equipment, software and that you need to start a great podcast.

This course will show you how I started a trading blog that helped me make extra money, monitor my trading better and meet some great people (who also happen to be professional traders) from around the world.

My course is based on 7 years of blogging and trading experience and will take you by the hand and help you start your trading blog with the mindset that will help you get to where you want to be, even if you are not technical and have never written blog post in your life.

It will require some work on your part, but if it is work that you enjoy, it will finally be something that will make you jump out of bed in the morning to work on.

And if you did skip to the end, you should go back and read the stuff in the beginning, there are some cool side-benefits to trading blogging that you probably don’t know about (most people don’t).

Give this a try for 60 days and if you don’t like it for any reason, I will give you a full refund… Read more…