How To Start A Coffee Shop

How To Start A Coffee Shop

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Who else wants to learn the secrets of opening and operating a very profitable coffee shop? If you do, then you MUST read this!

The problem is most people haven’t been truthful about how much it actually costs to open a coffee shop!

The fact is, I opened a coffee shop for less than the price of a new car….In under 6 months! And didn’t use a single penny of my own money!

Are you ready for freedom from someone telling when you have to be at work in the morning? Are you ready to actually get paid what you’re worth? Are you ready to wake up every morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee?

There are some people within the coffee industry who have not been telling the truth about how much it actually cost to open a coffee shop or open a coffee service business. There are two reasons for this.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Wayne Mullins and I am the former co-owner of two successful coffee shops . I was recruited by the founder of a coffee shop to come help him grow his existing coffee shop, and open a new location.

Back to the “drawing board” I went. I wasn’t even sure were to start. You see, I had never been involved in the coffee industry before. Actually, I had never even worked at a restaurant either.

Honestly, it had nothing to do with my skills or abilities. Well, what was his reason for recruiting me?

I had spent the last three years as the owner of a VERY successful lawn company. But it wasn’t always that way. As a matter of fact, after my first year in the lawn industry, I was completely broke and ready to quit.

One day after complaining to a friend about all the struggles my lawn company was having, she recommended I go meet with her cousin who also owned what she described as a “very successful lawn company.” So I did! And my life and business changed forever. You see, her cousin ended up being the brains behind….

This man became my mentor….he taught me strategies and tactics that resulted in my lawn company growing from $25,000.00 to $200,000.00 in sales, in less than two years. My friends and family could not believe the “instant” success I became.

What they didn’t realize, was my “instant” success was the result of the SECRETS my mentor was teaching me.

I’ll save you all the details, but after my company hit $200,000.00 in sales, someone offered me a lot of money for my lawn company, and I couldn’t refuse the offer. Shortly after selling my company, the owner of the coffee shop recruited me.

My mentor taught me many powerful techniques and stategies, but he also revealed a secret to me. The secret was something called the Central Nervous System. Odds are you’ve never heard of it before, but you’re very likely to have personally witnessed the POWERFUL results it brings.

If you’ve ever been to a McDonalds then you’ve seen the power of a Central Nervous System at work. Maybe you’ve eaten at a Subway restaurant. If so, you’ve seen the Central Nervous System at work.

Would you like for me to tell you how to create a Central Nervous System? I thought so! The simpliest way to explain a Central Nervous System is that it’s the core system a business operates off of. I’ll explain it in further detail in a second, but first…..

We actually opened the coffee shop for less than $25,000. Without first creating a Central Nervous System it would have cost a LOT more. The great news is everything we did can be repeated. You don’t need any special knowledge or skills. It just takes a little time and effort to develop your own Central Nervous System.

Another gentleman created a Central Nervous System which enabled him to open a coffee services business for less than $500.00. He supplies local businesses and offices with their coffee, and coffee supplies. He’s making over $2,000.00 per month and only working a few hours a week. This never would have been possible if it had not been for the Central Nervous System he created.

As I mentioned earlier, it is the core operation system that a business works off of. In other words, it is the system that controls every aspect of how a business operates. Similar to the way your central nervous system controls the entire nervous system in your body.

Think about franchises, what makes them so popular and so successful? It’s because they are all based on a core business system, or a Central Nervous System.

Without a “core operating system” a coffee shop will NEVER reach its full potential. The great thing is you don’t have to have any special knowledge or training to create you own Central Nervous System.

Creating your very own Central Nervous System will enable you to spend time on what really matters, growing your business. You no longer have spend all of your time and energy on “fixing” problems. Your Central Nervous System has the answer already in place.

If you are serious about opening a coffee shop or a coffee service business, you must spend time developing your very own Central Nervous System. Think of it as a business plan on steriods.

If you are not just a dreamer, and you are ready learn how to open your own coffee shop or coffee service business, pick up a copy of Coffee Shop Secrets today. This course will show you exactly how you can create your very own Central Nervous System. As a matter of fact, I’ll give you over eighty individual steps you need to take to open your very own coffee shop.

Obviously, if you have read this far then you are serious about learning how to open a coffee shop or… Read more…