How to Make Shutters – Simple DIY Shutters Instruction Guides- Old Style Shutters

How to Make Shutters ‘” Simple DIY Shutters Instruction Guides- Old Style Shutters

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Up till now the only drawback has been the price. To make shutters, usually requires a professional to come to your home, measure each window and send the measurements back to the factory where the shutters are manufactured. This process can deliver an exceptional shutter. Unfortunately, it also comes with an exceptional price. And sadly, price is usually the reason for homeowners to settle for a “second choice” for window treatments.

Shutters are just about the most beautiful accessory you can add to a home. I have had the privilege of building custom shutters for distinctive homes for over 18 years.

Custom made shutters usualy retail between $350-$450 for each piece. If you like the elegance of shutters but feel you cant afford them, these DIY shutters guides can get you there for a fraction of the price. One instruction guide can help you build shutters for your entire home for under $40 per unit. A tremendous cost savings.

Plantation shutters have a classic design and can transform an average window into a virtual work of art. They never go out of style. Decorate on a budget, Learn how to make shutters yourself. Shutters are now an affordable option for window treatments with this DIY Shutters instruction guide Read more…