Home Winemaking: Step by Step
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If you checked one or more of these boxes then this book is for you (especially if you checked more than one). Whatever your reasons are, I’ve written this extensive guide with YOU in mind, so you will get the results you desire while avoiding any costly mistakes…
…I designed Home Winemaking: Step by Step to be the easiest system to follow on the market today for learning how to make PRIZE-WINNING wines right in your home. It is jam-packed with information, including a complete list of all the equipment you will need and lots of advice about optional equipment which will make the job much easier, a glossary of wine related terms, advice on choosing the best recipes and in-depth step by step explainations of everything you need to know about winemaking along with loads of advice from a seasoned winemaker. All of which is laid out in layman’s terms in a super-easy to follow step-by-step format… all within one instantly downloadable package.
Home Winemaking: Step by Step will teach you how to make wine like a professional, so you can create wine so good that it can be served at any occasion. No matter how important it is, no matter how “wined and dined” your guests are. Using my techinques, you will be producing prize-winning wines time and time again ‘” this is flat-out the best resource on the net for making homemade wine. Bar none!
Over 8,364 wine enthusiasts the world over, people just like you, have used my unique guide to get on the fast-track to making professional quality wines right in their own homes, while having loads of fun in the process. To see what “Home Winemaking: Step by Step” can do for you, follow these 3 easy steps…
“I had always toyed witht he notion of making my own wine. Who hasn’t? But, after reading several publications on the internet I felt like I was not closer to actually doing it. Sure, I understood the basics of how it worked but the information was just a cluttered mish-mesh of conflicting (and just plain bad) advice.
What I really needed was for someone to sit down and spell it out step by step. Winemaking isn’t really difficult but there are a lot of mistakes which can be made. I researched the internet and came across your book, which I quickly downloaded, printed and read in one evening. Instantly I felt like understood the missing pieces.
The very next day I went out and bought the equipment you recommended and got started. Everytime I was unsure about something or encountered a problem, I simply referred back to your book. The answer was always in there.
The very first batch of wine that I produced was so good that I could hardly believe it. My family and friends were kind of awestruck. I was too!
I recommend Home Winemaking: Step by Step to everyone who asks me about winemaking. I have learned so much about winemaking in very short amount of time. Thanks Steven for writing such a great learning tool!”
“Hi Steven, It is with great pleasure that I am writing this to you. Home Winemaking: Step by Step was great! I always believed winemaking to be difficult. I mean you see these wine snobs on TV talking about wine and they act like it’s almost magical the way wine is created. Well, your book showed me just how easy it can be for a regular joe like myself to do it and do it right. You really know how to take the mystrey out of winemaking. Thanks to your book, I placed 2nd in the county fair with the very batch I ever made. BTW, thanks for answering my questions about winemaking. That alone is worth a lot in my book!” ‘” Tom Hensley
“Hi Steve, I really impressed my friends at winemaking club when I showed up with the clearest wine any of them had ever seen. The color was absolutely perfect too. Even the club’s founder was impressed. Later he asked me what my secret was and I just told him that I have a “friend” who gives me advice. That friend is your guide and I consider it my secret weapon for making consistently great wines.” ‘” Dr. Barbra Giles
“Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m a little bit bullheaded when it comes to doing stuff. I got interested in home winemaking when a friend of mine let me sample some of his. It was surprisingly good. I often drink wine with my meals and the idea of producing my own wine for a fraction of the cost of store bought wines sealed the deal. If there’s one thing I like more than do-it-yourself projects, it’s saving money. I was bullheaded about it though. I went out on the net and came across your book right away but I decided not to buy it. Instead I went off and read on forums and various places about winemaking. What a disaster that turned out to be. I ruined two batches and what’s worse, I didn’t even know what I had done wrong. I wasn’t about to give up though. I came back and downloaded your book. By the time I had finished it I understood what I done wrong and how to avoid it.
That was about a year ago. Now I am producing some truly great wines (your wine jourmal template has been a big help!). Now my friend is asking me for advice! So cool… ‘” Michael Peterson
“Dear Steven… Read more…