Home Cooking for Sick Dogs – Avoiding Prescription Diets for Pets

Home Cooking for Sick Dogs ‘” Avoiding Prescription Diets for Pets

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Forget that prescription diet food your pet hates. Our easy homemade dog food recipes were designed to meet the needs of dogs with specific diseases, taste good and cost you less money!

Perhaps you’ve been feeding your pet a special (and expensive) prescription diet to control or alleviate his or her disease. You know the one. That processed and often tasteless pet food your veterinarian recommends…

Quite simply, those processed, prescription diet dog foods are loaded with junk ingredients such as potato product, hydrolyzed organ meats, potato starch, soybean oil, rice, egg product, maize (aka corn), dried beet pulp and the list goes on and on.

Often times the first ingredient is water! Your dog knows the difference between good foods and not so good foods.

While they make bold promises to treat your pet’s disease, there is no guarantee that they help at all and may even contribute to the problem.

Check for yourself. Look on the back of a bag of any prescription diet dog food. What you’ll find is a whole list of chemicals, additives and fillers amongst the other questionable ingredients.

But don’t give up on your best friend just yet. Luckily there’s a simple solution to your dog’s nutritional needs for his or her ailing health.

And this treatment won’t cost you an arm and a leg like those prescription diet pet foods you find at your veterinarian’s office. Plus, I want you to be happy with your purchase which is why the book is “satisfaction guaranteed’�.

This book is about helping you to help your dog, but if for any reason the book isn’t for you, just shoot me any email and let me know. I’ll gladly issue you a refund when you return the book within 60 days of purchase.

And I’m not talking about those processed commercial pet foods you buy in a bag or a can. I’m talking about the same kind of real food that you and I eat every day.

But isn’t that expensive, you might ask? Won’t I have to spend hours I just don’t have, preparing my pet’s food?

Not true. With a good old-fashioned crock-pot, homemade dog food can be easily and quickly prepared. And WAY cheaper than those designer prescription diet dog foods…

Buy the eBook ‘” Home Cooking for Sick Dogs- Easy Cuisine for the Special Diet Canine for just $14.99

With all the advances in medical science, you would think people, along with animals, would be healthier than ever.

Cancer rates keep rising in pets and this disease kills dogs more than any other. Obesity, as well as diseases of the liver, kidney and pancreas, have become real health concerns for our companion animals as well.

Why do you think that is? Let me explain why; because it all starts with diet, but unfortunately it doesn’t end there!

Take a hard look at what we feed our pets on a regular basis. It all makes perfect sense once you understand that we give our dogs hard processed food, full of chemicals, additives and fillers? Plus, no matter what brand, KIBBLE IS NOT A HEALTHY WAY TO FEED YOUR DOG. There’s no moisture and this is not good! Plus, dogs are carnivores FIRST which means that meat should make up much of their diet.

And some of the ingredients they put into certain commercial foods are just plain frightening. If you look on the back of some of these processed foods, you’ll find chemicals such as:

Some of these chemicals, like BHT and BHA are know carcinogens. Propyl gallate and ethoxyquin can contribute to liver damage along with other health problems. And sodium carboxy-methyl-cellulose? It’s actually an edible plastic filler that has long been outlawed for human consumption.

Then when our pets become sick with kidney, liver or heart disease; most traditional vets will prescribe commercial foods that include other unhealthy ingredients that most dogs want no part of, especially when they’re sick.

If you’re signed up for my website and blog; then you know how hard I push to make pet owners understand the importance of feeding quality natural foods and eliminating chemical products completely. Products such as flea and tick treatment MUST be natural.

Although you may feel like it, YOU’RE NOT STUCK and this book is all about providing your dog with healthier meals tailored to his specific disease or illness.

More than just loaded with chemicals and fillers, most commercial pet food has gone through a long complicated process of cooking that has left it lacking essential vitamins and minerals needed for optimal health.

Sure this food is convenient, but does it resemble the diet your dog has evolved to eat? No, not at all!

And let’s face it. Your doctor would never tell you that a diet of packaged foods and frozen dinners would be at all healthy for you. So why do we feed our pets a diet of processed food in an effort to cure their diseases?

A fresh food diet provides your pet with vitamins and nutrients directly from the source. It boosts your dog’s immune system and gives him or her enough energy to fight disease and cleanse the body of any toxins.

Buy the eBook ‘” Home Cooking for Sick Dogs- Easy Cuisine for the Special Diet Canine for just $14.99

Hello, my name is Janie Knetzer. Founder of www.old-dog-treats-and-rawhide.com and www.yourolddog.com. I have dedicated a large portion of my life to rescuing and saving the health of older dogs.

Dogs are my passion. Helping them gives me great joy. For me, there is no better way to help them than by improving their health, naturally.

And there is no better way to improve their health than by feeding them real, fresh food that delivers the vitamins… Read more…