Handyman Marketing and Lead Generation to Start and Grow Your Handyman Business
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My name is Cartess Ross, and the professional handymen I work with have been taught to market their services entirely different, and as a result, they’ve been able to achieve extraordinary results in just a short period of time!
For instance, one of the handymen I worked with… and I’ll identify him as Mr. Handyman, had some amazing results the very first week he implemented our Handyman Riches Marketing System.
And that wasn’t always the case for Mr. Handyman and when I first met him, he was only doing a few handyman jobs a month; just barely making ends meet with his handyman services business.
According to Mr. Handyman, the people who called him were bargain shoppers. They simply didn’t wanna pay him the fees he was asking for. They were basically calling around looking for the best deal.
Anyhow, Mr. Handyman saw an ad I was running in the local newspaper offering FREE Marketing Advice (each year I donate 2 weeks of my time to help small business owners market and grow their business; just my way of giving back, but we’ll talk about that some later).
I faxed him over a 5 page questionnaire asking him a bunch of questions, such as…how did he find his customers, where was he adveritising at, which method worked best, what didn’t work at all, and so on…
After reviewing his questionnaire, I was able to work out a plan of action for him and we met again to discuss.
I showed Mr. Handyman my plan of action and he laughed! He said if it was really that simple, he would have done it a long time ago himself.
I didn’t hear from Mr. Handyman for about a week so I called to see how things were going. Not one to bite his tongue, he flat out told me he didn’t try any of the things I suggested.
You see, I’m no dummy, but I sure can recognize an opportunity when I see one. And based on that, I decided to make a wager with Mr. Handyman. I told him I would implement 5 of the strategies that was on the paper and whatever the gross sales were at the end of 30 days, I wanted 15%.
With that said, Mr. Handyman signed an agreement that outlined the details of our arrangement, and with that, I was in the handyman marketing business.
After that, I threw up a simple web site so all the leads would come to me (local leads of course). I went online and posted a few links. I mailed a few letters, and I printed off some postcards from my printer.
Within the first 24 hours, I had people calling me and requesting quotes. I routed all calls to my office so my office manager could track everything. She basically took all the information and passed it on to Mr. Handyman.
Mr. Handyman started doing work the same day. On his first job, he put $240.00 in his pocket…not bad for 2 1/2 hours of work! And my cut was a whopping $36 bucks, not bad for doing nothing.
That customer ended up referring Mr. Handyman to another friend of hers who needed his handyman services to the tune of $750 dollars…and my cut was $112.00.
Well Mr. Handyman felt he didn’t need to pay me the 15% because “I’� didn’t find that referral.
Our handyman marketing agreement also stated that any referrals coming from customers I found, were still considered my customers and that I would be entitled to the 15% commission. He failed to read that part, but no hard feelings though. He was making money and I was making money!
The phones continued to ring and quote requests for handyman services continued to come in from the web site and Mr. Handyman continued to stay busy.
By week number two, we started receiving all types of calls and emails from Real Estate Investors asking if our guy needed any additional handyman work.
Mr. Handyman was able to lock down one deal that included 2 houses whereby he was paid $25,347.17 (disclaimer: materials & labor were included in the total).
While working on that project, another investor called him about some property he quoted earlier during the week and that job turned into a $4,857.04 job.
Mr. Handyman was booked solid and the calls and emails were still pouring in. He was able to enlist the help of his 2 brothers and still had to turn down jobs.
That load of business came from just 5 of the 10 strategies I had written out earlier. Could you imagine the work load if I had put all 10 strategies into action?
Over the course of 30 days, Mr. Handyman walked away with over $50,000 worth of work (disclaimer: that was gross revenue). And I got my 15% cut too.
I know some of you guys are probably thinking I took to much from him; and that I should consider the fact he had expenses and so on….
As far as I’m concerned, I’m the one who took all the risks…I put up the web site, ran some ads (very cheap ads too), mailed postcards and letters and had my office manager answering phones.
As his handyman business started to grow, I continued to work with him in an effort to fine tune the handyman marketing system. And right now, you have the opportunity to get your hands on a proven marketing system that is guaranteed to put more money in your pocket, starting this week!
The handyman marketing methods and… Read more…