Grow Citrus All about Lemon, Lime, Orange & Mandarin Trees

Grow Citrus: All about Lemon, Lime, Orange & Mandarin Trees

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Grow Citrus is an easy to understand quick-start guide that covers everything you need to know about growing citrus trees and reveals all the big citrus growers’ secrets!

Even if you have never grown citrus before…. Even if you are not an avid gardener…Even if you have a tree that is covered in pests and diseases…

If you’re sick of trying to work out what is wrong with your citrus tree, tired of trying to find out why it doesn’t produce fruit, or why it has pest or disease problems or why it just looks plain sick, then you are not alone.

Finally there’s a ground-breaking book that helps you identify what is wrong with your citrus tree and tells you how to fix the problems. Growing citrus can be a very enjoyable and rewarding past time, as millions of people around the world know.

You will need to follow a set of well tested guidelines to ensure your citrus trees stay healthy so they produce masses of delicious, juicy, mouth-watering fruit.

Let me tell you though, surfing the internet, trying to find answers to all your citrus growing problems and then trying to sort out the facts from the rubbish isn’t easy.

I knew my citrus trees were not looking healthy as they had yellowish leaves that were curling, there were small black insects on the stems, large lumps on the branches and the fruit had lots of brownish spots on them.

I went to my local garden center and they recommended some fertilizer and chemical sprays but I wanted an organic solution if possible. I couldn’t see the point of growing my own fruit if I am going to cover them in chemicals.

I trawled the internet for advice and found descriptions of insect pests and diseases but couldn’t find any photographs to confirm my trees’ problems. I tried fertilizing and watering but my trees still didn’t look healthy and I wasn’t getting very many fruit each harvest. I was at my wit’s end!

I spoke to gardening experts, listened to gardening talk back radio citrus problems and solutions, read old citrus books dating back to 1878 and sifted through hundreds of gardening websites.

At last there’s a fully-illustrated step by step guide that gives you a set of well tested guidelines to ensure your citrus trees are healthy and produce masses of fresh juicy fruit.

I’ve worked hard to put together a thorough, clearly explained no-nonsense book for anyone who wants to grow healthy lemon trees, orange trees, lime trees and other citrus trees.

Thank you so much for your advice on citrus pests and diseases. We were able to identify that the swelling on the branches of our Lisbon lemon tree was caused by citrus gall wasp insects and the fruit had citrus scab. We followed your advice and cut off all the branches with the lumps which meant we had to cut the tree almost to the ground. We thought it would probably die but were thrilled when it grew back with healthy glossy green leaves and no lumps. I will definitely be recommending your book to my family and friends.

I’ve put my years of experience and research into “Grow Citrus’� and I’m happy to say it is now available for purchase and IMMEDIATE download.

Whether you are a beginner ‘” or an expert gardener, this eBook will be an invaluable resource for you to refer back to time and time again. It comes with over 90 pages of information and over 100 full color photos that help you diagnose and solve problems with your citrus tree. It explains exactly what you need to do to grow healthy citrus trees.

If you’re wondering about the value of the information I’ve provided, please read these unsolicited, kind compliments I received from a Citrus Grower who purchased my eBook.

“Grow Citrus’� is one of the very best books on the subject of citrus trees that I have ever read, and I must add, that I think that I have read them all. I have been growing lemon trees for a number of years and living in a cooler climate in Australia can make growing citrus very challenging so every bit of advice is welcome and your book certainly gave that to me.

And here is another testimony from someone who has written to thank me for the valuable information in my eBook:

I have been growing a lemon tree and lime tree in a sub-tropical climate and found they had black mould fungus on the stems and leaves and lots of ants crawling around. I was so interested to learn that it was insects that produced a honeydew substance on which this sooty mould grows and if I got rid of these insects the mould would stop. I followed your instructions and now have a mould-free healthy tree. Thanks so much.

You will be amazed at how simple it is to grow healthy citrus in no time at all….. even if you’re not a “master gardener’�.

There are lots of people giving you advice about citrus. They often make citrus care seem far more complicated than it actually is. Well this is why you should take my advice…

I have been offering advice to beginners and experienced growers so I know the types of questions people want answering.

It is a book totally focussed on growing citrus ‘” lemons, oranges, mandarins, limes, grapefruit and more…

I set up a survey site to get gardeners’ citrus problems, tips and advice and received an incredible number of responses from all around the world. I spoke with friends and neighbors who grew citrus trees to find out what they wanted to know and made sure that the book included all the answers they needed.

So now my book is a huge 94 pages long. It is virtually… Read more…