Grooming Your Dog At Home

Grooming Your Dog At Home

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If you’d love to say good-bye to the hassles of that monthly trip to the professional groomer…

But more than that, what is contained in this letter will not only make you a proud dog parent, it will significantly improve your relationship with your dog.

Few months back, we had conducted a Survey on Dog Grooming among our 2,31,457 subscribers.

People all across the globe came up with various problems and queries they face while it comes to grooming their dogs.

Written in layman’s language, this e-book will serve as a comprehensive Dog Grooming guide for both first-time dog owner and veterans.

Just imagine how much more pleasant your life with your beloved dog would be if you didn’t need to wait once a month to get rid of that doggie breath . . . didn’t have to tolerate that shedding on your furniture . . didn’t need to make that expensive and time-consuming trip to the groomer every month!

Just think how much money you could save (not only in groomer’s fees, but in gasoline for the car running him back and forth!) . . . how much less stressful your life would be . . . and how much less stress would be placed on your dog!

Not only that, just think how convenient it would be for you to choose the time your dog gets groomed ‘” a time that fits your schedule!

Your dog will love the attention you lovingly lavish on him when you spend the quality time to groom him at home

If you’re like most of us die-hard dog lovers, you realize the importance of proper grooming. You know that grooming is more ‘” much more ‘” than just giving your precious friend a bath and putting a cute clip in her hair.

You’ve probably thought ‘” like many other dog owners ‘” that this is best left to the professionals. After all, at a minimum, proper grooming involves:

Don’t listen to those who say that the only method to getting a professional grooming for your beloved pet is to take him into a strange environment, with perfect strangers performing what should be the most loving…. of all activities on him.

In fact, now the ability to groom your own dog and to take control of the most important aspect of his life ‘” his health ‘” is only a mouse click away!

If you’ve always thought you could groom your dog yourself in the comfort, convenience and familiar environment of your own home, but just didn’t know where to start, then you must read this letter word for word.

It contains vital information that shows you that grooming your own dog yourself is much easier than you ever thought possible!

And the results . . . well, let’s just say you’ll be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

A fully-illustrated, 117-Page Dog Grooming Guide for Every Dog Breed ‘” Unveil tips & advice from experienced Dog Groomers within the next 5 minutes…

“Grooming Your Dog At Home ‘” The Ultimate Guide” not only contains tips and secrets that will make the experience of grooming your dog pleasurable and hassle-free, it puts together a plethora of grooming information on different dog breeds.

With “Grooming Your Dog At Home” in your hands, you can become a pro yourself. No more trips to the expensive salons, spas or even contacting a professional groomer every month.

This handy E-Book package is a treasure-trove of valuable information for all dog owners who wants their dogs to stay healthy and feel healthy.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a “cumbersome’� large breed like a St. Bernard or a Great Dane . . . or a tiny Chihuahua . . .

You can now learn the ultimate secrets of the professional dog groomers and provide your cherished family member with outstanding grooming ‘” all on your own.

That’s right! Inside the Pages of “Grooming Your Dog At Home ‘” The Ultimate Guide’� are images of every single tool you need for grooming your pet at home

I’ve taken all the guess work out of which tool does what job. Now you can confidently choose just the right grooming instrument to do the right job.

Not only that, but this book is so detailed . . . so exact . . . that it provides you with exactly the right tool for your specific breed of dog.

Don’t worry, “Grooming Your Dog at Home’� tells you (Page 73)! You’ll have no fear of accidentally hurting your pet when you follow these incredibly detailed instructions step by step.

This one-of-a-kind E-Book gives you clear illustrations on how to bathe your dog securely and effectively. You’ll find this on Page 14 of “Grooming Your Dog at Home”.

My name is Amy West and I am the author of “Grooming Your Dog At Home ‘” An Ultimate Guide’�.

I wrote this book because I met so many dog lovers who felt that they just weren’t capable of performing this immensely satisfying and loving act themselves.

I have first-hand experience on regularly grooming dogs of various breeds, ages and personalities. I know what works and what does not and thus have penned down exactly that.

As a dog owner and lover in my own right, as well as a busy professional groomer, I realize that not everyone has the time to wade through a large, bulky E-Book filled with excessive words and phrases just to get the simple and easy steps involved in giving your dog a professional quality groom.

That’s why when I wrote this I consciously concentrated on getting straight to the point . . . giving you exactly the right amount of information you need . . . in clear, concise language . . . to groom your own pet from the convenience of your own home.

And it’s information you can trust! This book was literally months in the making, as I researched the most effective grooming procedures for all the different types of dogs. Not only that, but I… Read more…