GPS Forex Robot

GPS Forex Robot

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Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof?

Hi. My name is Mark Larsen and you probably know me already by the hundreds of forex systems reviews I’ve written and forex videos I’ve produced during the last 15 years. I have several review sites & blogs such as Forex EA Lab, Forex Tester and Forex Systems Reviews and a free forex trading course called I’ve also been a betatester for nearly all major commercial and free forex trading systems over the last 7 years!

Forex market is the most lucrative market in the world, offering you never ending opportunities. However the ugly truth is ‘” 96.5% of the people who start trading fail on forex.

Those few who succeed know something that keeps ordinary forex traders from achieving success in their trading and these so called guru traders will do whatever it takes to keep this information from you.

The truth is ‘” money does not come from nowhere. It simply transfers from people like us to people like them who know something we don’t.

These so called forex gurus will tell you whatever you want to hear, brainwashing you with hype-y salesletters offering instant profits overnight. They sell you black boxes, forex robots with closed algorithms that keep you totally unaware of how it works. And when you can’t influence your trading you simply go with the flow!

Imagine forex as a mountain river. Many people jump in, drop some cash on deposit and let some blackbox robot trade for them. The “go baby go!” approach. They don’t know and don’t care what strategy is behind that. And when they finally realize that they are moving in the roaring water and Niagara falls is 3 feet from them ‘” it is too late ‘” the account is already blown!

During the last 15 years my fellow forex trader friends have constantly been asking me a lot of questions. I’ve been literally flooded by your emails asking me:

If you were among these people who are interested in these topics I am sure I’ve got something really good for you today.

The only problem was ‘” I did not have enough time to sit near my PC 24/5 waiting for the signals. So I decided to join forces with two young talented programmers, Antony & Ronald, who developed a great robot for me based on this system.

Like a GPS navigator in your car the robot is trying to predict the short term movement with a very high probability.

And in the 2% of cases when it is wrong, Antony & Ronald added a great reverse strategy inside which instantly opens a trade in the opposite direction and covers the small loss. This simple trick makes the robot really undefeatable on both backtest and live trading!

And the best part is ‘” The robot does not involve any tricks like martingale, grid or no-stoploss trading that can easily blow your account.

I know, in these days of “forex scam marketing”, I realize that this might just sound like another hype-y sales pitch filled with a lot of unsubstantiated claims and promises.

I’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and energy developing this system. I wanted to design and create a robot that ANYBODY could easily implement and start using IMMEDIATELY, making money on forex… without having to lie, do dishonest things and waste time.

Below on this page you will see our live trading account and full backtest of the robot. There are no tricks and fake claims ‘” only live real time proof. As you can see the publishing works on both mt4 stats and myfxbook and all the accounts are fully verified.

We did not hurry to release the robot to the public, and gathered over 1 year of live trading results.

Here is our LIVE REAL MONEY Account that we started in May 21, 2012, which is verified completely by Myfxbook with an initial deposit of $100,000:

Here is our LIVE REAL MONEY Account that we started in March 2012, which is verified completely by Myfxbook with an initial deposit of $50,000:

Here is a LIVE REAL MONEY Account that Antony started in November 2009 with a deposit of 4,750 USD and over the last years it grew to over $75,000. Not bad, huh?

Here is another Antony’s LIVE REAL MONEY Account with a deposit of 8,000 USD. During the last years the GPS Robot generated over $95 thousand of clear profit for him.

I believe that ANY trader can be successful on forex, and I get emails every day with success stories from guys in my betatester group who are using this robot and started making profit in just a few days:

Here is just one of them. Jeff writes: “Your system was an eye opener for me, Mark! I’ve bought quite a few useless ebooks, robots and courses and only lost my money! Your accurate reporting and great system is going to create monster buzz all over the Net!”

Well thank you Jeff. I got hundreds of other positive comments ‘” you can read them all on this page below!

It’s time to transform your trading from confusion to clarity and you will be amazed at how simple and fun the trading can be.

If you are not getting the results you are after, stop and allow me to help you. I am fully committed to your success.

That’s why after 1 year of live tests with my private betatesting group I decided to offer GPS Robot to a limited amount of traders, who are looking for a powerful trading system… that really works.

This is not a stupid scarcity tactic like other scam marketers use. As you can see there is a live counter-back on this page. Once it reaches zero the sales will be closed and the “SOLD… Read more…