Google Supremacy….The Holy Grail Of Free Google Traffic
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You spend your time at the beach with your loved ones…soaking in sun…sharing laughs…and running your hands through the silky sand…
You round out the night curled up on your favorite Lazyboy watching your favorite reruns until you fall asleep…
The next morning you log into Clickbank to find you’ve been rewarded for your “efforts’� with another $461.49 in your Clickbank account…
You take another day off (you’re now making more goofing off than at your current job) The next day there’s $498.07…
The cash keeps pouring in every day like you’ve been blessed by the goddess of autopilot cash. There’s NO customer support.
You’ve bought in to all the “copy-paste’� systems that wind up being more work than your current J-O-B.
You’ve shelled out your hard-earned money for $27 ebooks, $97/month memberships… even the $2,000 “coaching’�… and you’ve still got no reliable online income.
How do I know all this about you? It’s simple. That was my life…just a few short months ago… I’d read “SEO manuals’� ’till my eyeballs ached. I’d crank out content until I thought I’d lose my sanity… The blueprints made big promises… but my sites were still ranked in Google’s “never-never land’�.
I’d Burned Thousands of Dollars On “SEO Education’�…I Had Nothing to Lose… I was fed up. I was ready to throw in the towel…
I figured…no one blueprint was working for me… But what would happen if I COMBINED three covert SEO techniques on a single site? It was a Frankestein arrangement… A clunky combination of guru techniques from courses with TOTALLY different SEO philosophies. Nobody would be weird enough to try this… But my chances couldn’t get any worse… So I deployed the method and go back to my day job. The next day I check my rankings and my heart skips a beat… My site had jumped from Page 22… To Page 18… Not too shabby. I still hadn’t made a dime… But I had got the fire back in my belly. So I decided to turn things up a notch.
This advanced samurai web 2.0 linking tactic had just come on the scene…and I was itching to see how it could shake things up on my site… A site that was “dead on arrival’� just weeks ago. So I built my first “One Way Link Wheel’�… I didn’t build it quite how the gurus were teaching… Sick of the “mainstream’� advice that hadn’t made me a penny… I made the link my OWN way… I made 3 tweaks to the well known Link Wheel methodology. (you’l find out what they are in a minute…)
By Monday I was on page 8 By Wednesday I was on page 3 And by Sunday I was the #1 result on Google for a keyword previously owned by an 8 figure company! I couldn’t believe my eyes… My butt ugly review site was sucking in cash like a jet powered vaccum. Every time I logged into Clickbank that bar got bigger… And bigger… And bigger… Naturally I tried it on my other sites… And the same thing happened. Again. And, again. And, again… I didn’t realize it at the time but I later found out that I had stumbled on…
What exactly is Phantom Link Wheel? Only customers will find out… But here’s what it isn’t.. It’s NOT another gimmick bound to get banned by Google faster than corn goes through a goose… I gave up trying to fool Google years ago…it’s a losing battle. Instead the Phantom Link Wheel is just giving Google what it’s always wanted… A stead stream of one way link juice…for the MOST trusted sites on the web… Any dunce can set one up in minutes… And it builds stampedes of traffic to your sites… whether you work on them… or ignored them for weeks. It’s up to you…
And I don’t’ mean a Pavarotti dinner either… Just throw up my proven website templates (I’ll hand them to you inside) Add a dash of unique content (I’l show you how to get someone ELSE to do that for you for almost nothing!) Activate the Phantom Link Wheel… Then get ready to do the happy dance as you watch your site rise through the ranks of Google like a nuclear powered hot air balloon… And that’s when the avalanche of sales starts pouring in… Not just spurts of sales… But a consistent $27-$47 per day for each min-site you throw up! So all you need to is decide how much money you want to make each day… And build as many mini-sites as you need to get there… If you need $100 per day… 3 may be enough for you… If you want $400 per day Build at least 12… Welcome to the wild and wacky world of the Phantom Link Wheel. Where ANYONE can write their own checks…
Because you don’t need to know a damn thing right now… You don’t need to learn everything I did. You don’t need to test out anything… In fact, rank rookies get some of the best results with my system… Because all you need to do is follow my proven blueprint like you’d follow a recipe… Step by simple step… I’m going to hand you the exactly blueprint I use to fill my coffers with unlimited Google cash… Then I’m going to let you watch over my shoulder on your computer screen as I turn a black web page into a predictable and unstoppable cash machine… Copy my clicks. Make the money I make… In short… I’ve finally created the system that WILL NOT let you fail… The system known as…
Click where I tell you to click… And watch the money come… Read more…