Attention: men & women over 40 who want to lose your stubborn body fat and feel 10 years younger!
Discover 5 fat loss facts for getting in amazing shape now!
I hope you enjoyed the above video presentation where I introduced the 5 fat loss facts about how to shed your body fat fast and reclaim a fit, youthful body. These are the same techniques that I personally used to shrink my midsection, reveal my abs, and get in the best shape of my life in my 40′s!
If you want to turn back the clock, lose fat as quickly as possible and keep it off forever using basic effective workouts and nutrition guidelines, then this is the only fitness and nutrition program you will ever need. (And you won’t need endless hours of cardio or expensive supplements). It may also shock you to learn how Government Food Guides as well as many fitness professionals have been lying to you! Read on to learn more.
Why my program is different (the answer may surprise you).
My name is Josh Hewett, the owner of Josh HewettTop Form Fitness and the creator of Get Lean: Permanent Physique Transformation. I’m an author, public speaker, and fitness professional with a university degree in Kinesiology, several personal training certifications, and over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry.
Get Lean: Permanent Physique Transformation is the only training and nutrition program you will ever need to burn off fat and develop a lean, sculpted physique.
If you’re like me I bet you’re experiencing the same frustrations I had when I first started getting serious about getting lean. It’s confusing and frustrating with all the conflicting information on how to get in shape and lose body fat. If you’ve tried any of the conventional “quick fix” fad diets or fat loss plans, I’m sure you’ve been disappointed by the lack of results, or lost weight only to quickly experience “rebound weight gain”.
Even as a personal trainer, I struggled with staying in shape, jumping from one program to another, and always seemed to be working harder rather than smarter. Then when I turned 40 I had a wake-up call. I had just become a father (to my beautiful daughter!), and with the added responsibilities of parenthood, a mortgage, and running my business, I started to let my fitness slide. Before I knew it, I was in the worst shape of my life.
This lead me on a journey of discovery during which I began to read, research, experiment, and learn from leading industry experts who were getting the results that I wanted. Over the next couple of years, and after a lot of trial and error, I developed an effective approach to nutrition and training that gets consistent results for both me and my clients.
Whether you are a man or a woman, and regardless of what shape you are in now, the 5 Get Lean Facts I’m about to share will help you lose your excess body fat and get the lean body you’ve always wanted!
Contrary to what many people still believe (and practice), the best ways to lose unwanted fat, get a lean, sculpted body, and reveal your abs, do NOT include:
Performing an endless number of crunches every day
Expensive “fat-burning” supplements
Gimmicky ab-toning gadgets
Starving yourself with very low calorie and low fat diets
Doing hours of boring cardio every day
As explained in detail in Get Lean: Permanent Physique Transformation, here are the 5 “Get Lean” Facts about Permanent Fat Loss:
Get Lean Fact #1:
If you don’t have the right mindset and attitude then attaining your goals will be difficult and maintaining your fitness and fat loss results will be virtually impossible.
This is probably the most important consideration when it comes to achieving almost any goal, but it’s also the most neglected. Most people focus only on the “how-to’s”, but they don’t have a strong enough “why”. Of course you need to have the right technical information in order to know how to achieve the health, fitness, and body you desire, but if you don’t have the right mindset there is no amount of knowledge that can get you what you want.
Almost every self-improvement program is based on the principle that you first need to change your thoughts and emotions before you can change your results. Basically, if you keep thinking the way you always thought, you keep getting what you always got.
In Get Lean: Permanent Physique Transformation, you will learn 4 basic yet powerful mental conditioning strategies that will help you program yourself for fat loss success!
Get Lean Fact #2:
When it comes to getting a lean, toned body, your diet is responsible for 80% of your results.
Next to your mindset, nutrition has the biggest impact on your permanent physique transformation. You can’t out-train a bad diet.
It is important to realize that there is more involved to losing body fat than “calories-in vs calories-out”. The truth is not all calories are created equal. In the Get Lean nutrition plan, you will learn how to choose the right type of food, in the right amounts, at the right times. I reveal 2 common “health foods” that may be contributing to your belly fat, and you will learn which foods actually help to increase your metabolism.
I also share 12 “Get Lean” nutrition habits to shed your fat stores fast. These are the same habits my clients followed successfully to get lean, and I used to get into the best shape of my life in my forties.
Get Lean Fact #3:
Performing endless hours of long, slow cardio is not only boring and time-consuming, but it won’t help you achieve long term fat loss.
In fact, excessive steady-state cardiovascular exercise can lead to overuse injuries, increased ‘stress-hormone’ production, and loss of lean muscle tissue. This can ultimately cause you to store more abdominal fat.
In my book, Get Lean: Permanent Physique Transformation, you will learn how to use a unique, time-saving cardio training method to effectively burn fat for several hours AFTER you finish exercising, without stripping you of your hard-earned muscle. This is accomplished by what is known as the Afterburn Effect, and once you find out how to effectively use it you will accelerate your fat-loss results!
The nice thing is most of these “cardio” workouts take less than 20 minutes.
Get Lean Fact #4:
If you want to maximize your metabolism, sculpt and reshape your body you need to include strength training in your fat loss workout routine.
Chances are your current fitness program is not only getting you poor results, but it could be causing muscle-wasting, over-use injuries, and muscular imbalances.
Most traditional fat loss programs will recommend hundreds of crunches and endless hours of cardio, and often don’t even introduce strength training. If you are incorporating strength training in your current routine it’s likely that you are not using the most effective fat-burning exercises and training methods.
The Get Lean program uses a form of high intensity strength training called MRT (Metabolic Resistance Training) that will help to preserve your lean muscle mass while metabolizing fat. This proven MRT workout program uses compound exercises organized in a way that burns more calories and triggers the release of your fat burning hormones.
These workouts also take advantage of the AfterBurn Effect so that you continue to metabolize calories and fat for hours after your workout is finished.
Get Lean Fact #5:
Your hormones play a major role in both storing body fat and burning it.
My book will explain how specific nutrition and training strategies can actually influence your hormones to create favorable fat-burning environment. You will learn about two powerful hormones and how each one affects your metabolism as well as how they interact with each other. The fact is you CAN harness these hormones to work in your favor and I’ll show you how!
The truth is that ANYONE (and that means YOU), can get leaner and permanently reshape their body using the principles and strategies outlined in “Get Lean”.
Here’s a small sample of what you will learn when you download
your copy of Get Lean: Permanent Physique Transformation:
How to use Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) to increase fat burning while building strength and lean tissue.
How a unique form of cardio training called HIIT can burn more body fat in less time than traditional cardio.
What the After-Burn Effect is and how it can crank up your metabolism to have you burning off fat all day long.
Why following your Government Food Guide could actually be making you fat.
Why conventional passive stretching methods can make you weaker and what form of flexibility training is safer and more effective.
How to balance your macro-nutrient intake to turn yourself into a Fat-Burning Machine so that you no longer crave sugar.
Why strategically planned “cheat days” can actually help you get leaner by firing up your metabolism!
How to harness your hormones to accelerate fat loss and stay lean.
Which 2 common “health foods” may be contributing to your belly fat.
How to strategically cycle your carbohydrate consumption (NOT eliminate it) to support fat loss while developing a lean, toned body.
4 basic yet powerful Mental Conditioning strategies that will program your brain for fat loss success
Which foods actually help to increase your metabolism, and which fat-storing foods to avoid.
. And much more!
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