Free Hypnosis Auto-Affiliate System
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You can start making money with this system today. It’s easy to get started and you don’t need any previous experience.
My ‘DONE-FOR-YOU’ system is ready to start making money for you immediately. Read on to discover how EASY it is to make money using this system… but don’t take too long… Places are STRICTLY LIMITED! Other people are also reading this page right now ‘” Don’t let them steal your spot!
First, let me assure you that you will get the full unrestricted system TODAY. You’re not just getting the first module or anything like that. This is not one of those long drawn out training programs where you have to wait an entire year before you start making money.
You get the full and completely unrestricted system TODAY. Ready to start making you money immediately. It’s the exact same system that I’m using right now to bring in thousands of dollars every month on auto-pilot.
However, I feel its only fair that I warn you that it takes time to build up to thousands per month. It’s likely that you’ll just make a couple of hundred dollars in your first month, but that will grow over time.
Because of the nature of this system I do appreciate that this is not for everybody. It’s perfectly legal, but if you feel that this might not be your thing then that’s fine, just close the page. There are limited places available so if you don’t feel comfortable with the system in any way then I’d really appreciate it if you allowed someone else the opportunity before we fill up.
Turn off your phone, lock the door, and give me your undivided attention for the next 20 minutes and I’ll show you EXACTLY how this brand new system can bring in hundreds (and later thousands) of dollars per week COMPLETELY AUTOMATICALLY…
As well as being obsessed with Internet marketing I’m also a professional hypnotist. I’ve been using and teaching hypnosis for over 20 years. I have written several books on hypnosis and created one or the best selling online hypnosis courses.
(I did warn you that this isn’t for everybody. I know that some people have very strong feelings about hypnosis. If you object to the use of hypnosis, it’s probably best that you don’t read on.)
The way I make money is very simple… I give away a high value course that teaches the basics of hypnosis. I then provide professional honest reviews of more advanced hypnosis courses which many of my students buy.
None of the advanced courses are mine, but I earn a very healthy commission payout for each student that I recommend.
Making money by giving away my free course is easy. Take a look at the following unsolicited email that I recently received…
It looks like I made my first sale! It has been only about a week since I signed up. This is the easiest money I have ever made online. All I have to do is drive traffic and your site and the prebuilt autoresponder does the rest. This program is awesome.
Sincerely, Caterina Christakos Author and Personal Business Coach
P.S. You can quote me on that:) Click here to view Caterina’s book store on Amazon
Something to FEEL GOOD about ‘” You get paid another $97.81 commission every single time a student buys the most popular course that we recommend!
I also monetize the system for you in lots of other ways, I’ll tell you about those in sec, but first I want to tell you about the secret weapons that make this system so effective.
As soon as you introduce a new student they’re automatically added to a mailing list. My system then emails the student for you with a brand new lesson every single day for a month. (It’s actually just over a month because there are 33 lessons on the course.)
To watch each lesson the student visits my website, where I also offer them the opportunity to purchase products. When they buy a product, you earn a commission.
Because they come back to the site every day, this gives you 33 totally unique opportunities to make money from each student. Research has proven that repeat exposure to a product substantially increases the possibility of making a sale. Most people need to see an offer 6 times before they decide to buy it.
With conventional affiliate marketing you only get one chance to get the sale. By using this system you get 33 chances. The really beauty of this number is that it spans a full month. As most people are paid fortnightly or monthly, this means you can absolutely guarantee that your student will be exposed to products at a time of the month when they can afford to buy them.
This instantly removes one of the biggest obstacles to making money online. Usually, when you send out a promotion, you have no idea what’s going on in your prospects life. They might really want the product, but have no way of buying it because your promotion just happens to hit their inbox when they have bills to pay.
Another reason that this system is a great way to make money is the massive variety of products that I’m able to promote for you.
When students first enroll on the course, all they’re really interested in doing is learning how to put someone into hypnosis. But that’s only the start. As soon as they’ve mastered getting people into trance they start to think about the different ways that they can use hypnosis…
A couple of the products that I recommend also include an ongoing membership option. When a student decides to sign to the membership program you get paid over and over again, every single month for as long as they remain… Read more…