Forex Currency Strength Meter Chart.The 244 FX4Caster

Forex Currency Strength Meter Chart.The 244 FX4Caster

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This Windows Software Currency Strength Chart Splits 26 forex pairs displays 8 individual currencies.

The FX4Caster, allows you to pick and choose sources of data. Not only that, but you have complete control over the look and feel. You decide on the timing and sample rates and which currencies are fed into it.

Most traders follow two to four pairs at any given time. But the FX4Caster isolates eight individual currencies. It shows you their strengths and weaknesses, based on what’s happening with other currencies ‘” at a glance. It shows you where to enter and exit a trade.

Currency strength trading is a common sense approach to fx trading that never fails to astound people. I will provide you with a 60 page, no-fluff eBook explaining how to make this tool work for you immediately.

This software was subject to rigorous testing. I put it through unique tests that only a trader and developer could. What this means is that once you’ve installed it on your windows laptop or desktop, your new opportunities for trading is literally at the tips of your fingers 24/7.

Trading strength and weakness is easy. You just look at the currency strength chart and follow the lines. It’s common sense!

First of all the 2.44FX4Caster is a windows software charting program. It allows you to choose your favorite color selection and your unique timing. There are many features that freebies and add-ons do not give you. For example, you can send the collected data to a spreadsheet as well as view a full list of each pair used in the calculations. You have complete control of the data source with MT4.

Yes. You can run multiple copies for all the computers you own. It works on all windows computers. Have up to 7 copies running at once with your lifetime license.

The ForexGrail is a Forex trading system that uses the chart and the FX4Caster 2.44 is the software charting platform.

There is a list of MT4 data suppliers that work well with our software from all parts of the world on the technical install and troubleshooting page here. Many popular MT4 brokers work well with this software. You can run several MT4 platforms at the same time with no problem.

The AccuStrength is the ultimate rolls Royce of the industry. Second is the FX4Caster. It is a terrific entry level charting platform that is better than anything out there. Read more…