For Struggling Bum Marketers and Article Marketers. Article Steroids

For Struggling Bum Marketers and Article Marketers… Article Steroids

For Struggling Bum Marketers and Article Marketers… Article Steroids”>>For Struggling Bum Marketers and Article Marketers… Article Steroids” height=”300″ src=”” width=”400″ />
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It will take some work. Possibly 15-30 minutes per article. I also give instructions that you can copy and paste to have the entire technique outsourced for $10 or less. But compare this 15 minutes of work to the income you will receive when these “dud” articles start to rake in cash for you. I know you will find a measly 15 minutes well worth it!

When I saw the first video my first thoughts were “It’s a good idea but I’m not sure I can use it”. Then I thought about it. Then I thought about it a bit more and I am now convinced that it would work for pretty much anyone in IM [Internet Marketing” target=”_blank”>.

If you have an existing business you want to promote I think it’s particularly brilliant. I’ve not watched the other videos in detail but there are many ideas that I’m keen to put into practice. And Chad is a great guy. He has responded graciously to my queries and you can tell that he knows what he’s talking about. Highly recommended. Andrew Davidson Posted ‘” 07/26/2008

I’m absolutely confident that if you had my “Article Steroids” Videos at your disposal right now, you’d readily agree the techniques I teach will make you far more cash than the measly $27 price tag.

And that’s why I’m willing to let you have access to the entire program today for $4.95. This way, you can see for yourself how effective these strategies really are.

If you’re overjoyed like I know you will be, do nothing and you’ll be automatically billed for the remaining balance of $22.05 with nothing more to pay, ever.

However, if you’re not absolutely in love with this Article Steroids Kit, simply send me an email before the 7 is up and you won’t pay a dime. I’ll even refund you the $4.95.

This is one hell of a good idea for youtube marketing. I use youtube a lot to drive traffic and I can see how this can work very well. Great!

Hi Chad, Just finished watching Video 1. Excellent style of delivery and video quality. Above all, the information you presented on Video 1 is new to me and something I could implement right away. I can’t wait to see the rest as I’m sure more valuable information to come. Thanks, Daniel Posted ‘” 07/19/2008

taylor21 posted 07/11/2008 Good stuff, the videos played fine for me on Firefox. Guys, the income proof isn’t the important thing here, this is about generating traffic easily. Think of your best producing site, how much do you make per visitor? 10 cents with adsense or $10 with a squeeze page, auto-responder and massive up sells? Now times that by 50 to 10,000+ more visitors per month, that’s your income target. Everything is clear, this is very do-able.

This is awesome, as for as my concern this is the best I ever purchased. netjobs Posted ‘” 07/22/2008 Read more…