Find Things To Sell On Ebay by Doing eBay Arbitrage
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I used to sell truckloads of goods on ebay and made good money at it. One day during a slow week of inventory, I was browsing through ebay looking at the same items for sale that I had been selling. I was stunned ‘” So many of them had sold for much less than mine did!
I looked into this further and found all sorts of reasons why. Then it became clear! Why should I keep trying to find more things to sell on ebay when they’re right there in front of me? So I began doing Arbitrage and soon forgot about looking outside ebay for anything else to sell on ebay. Now, Everything I Sell on eBay, I Bought on eBay ‘” For Less!
Besides knowing what to sell on eBay, or keeping up an inventory, is knowing How to List Your Auctions! Over the years I have developed the Perfect eBay Listing that consistently pulls in the Highest Bids on any of the same items ending at the same time by any other seller! All you have to do is cut & paste this format into your own auctions and the rest is simple and painless!
Shortly after this book was published I did a LIVE PHONE INTERVIEW about this lucrative form of Arbitrage with Terry Gibbs ‘” 31 Years of auction experience with over 15,000 auctions on eBay alone.
The 26 page transcript of this interview is now FREE for you (Value $29)
PLUS I’m adding a Free Subscription to My Private Arbitrage Tips Newsletter Since I am constantly doing Arbitrage, I’d like to share with you any new developments that I encounter along the way.
This is the Most Comprehensive System on How to search through eBay listings and win auctions on items that you will re-auction yourself and get paid more than what you paid ‘” Arbitrage
Note: This book is completely self-contained. Although there are helpful “links’� to outside information, NONE are required to complete this package.
You will have complete control over what you’re going to sell on ebay and how much you’ll pay for it.
You will soon be spotting better deals more often as your instincts become sharper and more accurate.
Depending on how much Arbitrage you want to do or how much income you want to make, this can easily become a full time occupation.
This is a dedicated guide strictly focusing only on eBay Arbitrage through a system of getting prepared and moving chronologically through the steps of finding, buying and reselling for profit.
I’ve heard of arbitrage before and started looking around ebay for bad auctions to find and got totally confused. Then I read your book and it cleared it all up. I like the way you go step by step from beginning to end that now I know the auctions I win I will make more money on. Thanks!
You were right about losing track of time. This is so much fun!!!!!! I was finding so many things to put snipes on that the day was over and the sun went down before I realized it. I’ve got to get a handle on this and know when to stop.
The best part about this is that it has put away my never ending fear of running out of things to sell on ebay.
I had no idea there was so much to pick from! I couldn’t decide which category to start from, so I finally had to just go with one and now I’m so involved with it I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to checking out any others.
I’ve always thought of ebay sellers as a lot more savvy than I’ve come to find out. Some people are practically giving away their things and that’s where you taught me to take over. You know where I’ll be looking from now on. This is great!
I never thought you could ‘flip’ ebay stuff. I thought flipping was for houses. Now it’s pretty clear that you can flip anything and that makes ebay a goldmine. I would have never known it it wasn’t for your book.
Who would have ever known you could make this into a business? I’m going to run out of room pretty soon and may need to hire someone for the back end! Jagroop D. ‘” Terryville, CT
What 2 items must always be included in your purchases and auctions that are usually ignored, yet easy to obtain.
4 free things you should always include with your packaging to make your customers ecstatic ‘” especially if they paid too much.
This book is NOT about selling stuff around the house, garage sales, dropshipping, liquidation/surplus, etc.
The method of Arbitrage described in this book is NOT based on guessing, misspellings, or random, aimless searches.
You may have already tried some Arbitrage but got lost in all the thousands of listings or just got too overwhelmed to know what to do next. That won’t happen with this step-by-step, chonological system.
You will quickly find yourself sniping on items you know little about but driven more by your expertise.
You will start to specialize on certain items within a category where sniping and reselling just those few items alone will keep you busy.
By learning and doing Arbitage, you will become more adept at searching and sniping for your own personal ebay possessions than ever before.
Included is a complete and organized daily schedule for the most efficient use of your time ‘” without it, you’ll end up sniping all day and wondering where all the time went!
Also included is vital information for a checklist you will use for tracking everything (who, what, when, where, etc.) about an item before, during, and after it’s been bought, listed, and resold.
You can actually be your own dropshipper and… Read more…