Fast Fat Burning Meals
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Did you know that in 2013, Americans spent an estimated $2.4 billion on weight-loss diets and pills, according to a report by research firm IBIS World?
Well, one of the largest studies on this topic out of UCLA found that people who diet typically lose 5% to 10% of their starting weight in the first six months, but between one-third and two-thirds of them end up REGAINING more weight than they lost within four to five years.
First, when you eat foods that trigger inflammation inside your body ‘” like many diet and processed foods and even seemingly healthy foods like whole grains and soy ‘” your adrenal glands pump out the stress hormone cortisol. Over time, this chronically high level of cortisol prompts your body to store more fat around your stomach and vital organs.
Also, worrying out about what to eat is another form of unneeded stress that leads to elevated cortisol and eventually increased belly fat.
Second, leptin is a hormone that is produced by your fat cells, which tells the control center in your brain (known as the hypothalamus) that you’re “full’� and have enough “energy’� to function.
Normally, when you eat, your fat cells increase in size slightly, and leptin is released, telling your brain to STOP eating.
However, when you’re overweight or eat processed foods that contain brain-disrupting ingredients like sugar, fructose, MSG, or aspartame, your hypothalamus becomes resistant to leptin.
That means that your brain NEVER gets the message that you’re full and so you feel like eating everything in sight. Your brain’s “off switch’� no longer works properly.
So…can you see why eating common “diet’� and processed foods (and being overweight) is so dangerous?
Have a look at most of the people you know that have gone on a diet or obsessed about counting calories. Have a look at women and men who choose the low-fat yogurt, the margarine over butter, or think they’re doing good by drinking diet sodas.
Now, you tell us: have their bodies changed at all in the past 90 days? We’ll wager you said, “No,’� And you would be correct.
And that’s because most people can’t keep themselves from eating forbidden foods for long…so when they do, they BINGE, taking in a ton of “bad’� calories all at once.
Why? Because good people just like you have been misled and lied to by the food and diet industry. You’ve probably even been brainwashed to believe that low-calorie diet foods are “smart’� options because they supposedly help you lose weight…quickly and conveniently.
But the TRUTH is that sneaky food companies vilify health-transforming whole foods because they supposedly take too long to make…and so they force their man-made products on you as the quicker, healthier solution.
According to a 2006 study in the Journal of Marketing Research, people who saw a “low fat’� label on a food package ate up to 50% more of that food in a sitting than people who didn’t. No wonder diet foods make us fatter!
The TRUTH is that the diet industry is in the business of making you scared of real, wholesome food and getting you addicted to their quick-fix (yet dangerously fattening) artificial products.
Living off “low calorie’�, “low fat’�, and other “diet’� foods NEVER works in the long run. And it drives you crazy in the process!
Have you ever heard of the French Paradox? It was a catchphrase, first used in the late 1980s, that referred to the paradox that French people have a relatively low incidence of obesity and disease, while having a diet rich in delicious natural foods, including saturated fats.
Here we are in North America obsessing about every little calorie and avoiding the very foods that are helping the French stay lean and healthy.
Eating REAL FOOD made from scratch is how the French and most indigenous cultures around the world have remained lean and healthy.
And that’s exactly how YOU will do it too. And the best part is that you don’t have to spend all day in the kitchen.
I (Yuri) used to live in France and experienced their culture and delicious foods firsthand. And I can tell you that calorie counting and diet foods were never a part of their diet ‘” until they recently adopted more American dieting ideals.
And the best part is that we’re going to show how to enjoy the fat burning and health benefits of eating delicious “real’� meals in just minutes per day!
Now, we’re sure you understand how important it is to eat real food. We’re not going to insult your intelligence.
But we also know that one of the reasons many people don’t do what they know (ie. eat better quality food) is because most healthy recipes either taste like cardboard or require too much time to prepare.
It’s certainly a lot easier to order take out or rip open a bag of chips when you’re stressed or tight on time.
But what if you actually craved delicious, whole food meals? Meals that are simple super to make and that dazzle your tastebuds. And best of all, meals that take mere minutes to make…that you could turn to in a pinch.
Both Amy and I are naturally quite lazy so we completely get not wanting to spend all of your time in the kitchen. Yes, we love good food but we’d rather have it sooner than later, right?
That’s why we only create delicious whole food recipes that burn fat and take no time at all to prepare. We’ve quickly become known for providing… Read more…