Facebook Marketing ‘” Marketeers Blueprint CB
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Dear fellow internet marketeer… we’re sure you’ve heard of Facebook and you’ve probably noticed how everyone seems to have a presence on this monster social media site.
In fact, there are currently about 859 MILLION folk with a Facebook account ‘” 483 million of whom log in daily, with the rest usually logging in every week or so.
Just to put that into context: there are now seven billion people on the planet, which means that by the end of this year ONE IN SEVEN people will be on Facebook.
It’s now come of age and companies such as Coca Cola, Ford, Dunkin’ Donuts and Red Bull are just four of the giant multi-national companies enjoying a strong marketing presence on Facebook.
Prominent business people ‘” like billionaire Donald Trump, personal development guru Brian Tracy and Virgin Atlantic Airline CEO, Richard Branson, are just three personalities that have very active Facebook pages.
That’s because all three understand the core feature of Facebook ‘” its ability to build relationships with, literally millions of prospective customers on autopilot.
The convenience store where you get welcomed like a long-lost friend? OR The one where the clerk seems like he’d rather you weren’t there, looks a little shifty and you’re always fearful he’s going to clone your credit card?
And we bet, given a choice between buying from that guy and the store where you feel you could trust them with your life, you’ll settle for the trusted store ‘” even though it might be further away and their prices are a bit higher.
And that’s the reason folk like Richard Branson spend time on Facebook, to build a relationship of trust. Because without that vital element of trust there can be no sale.
In fact, Richard Branson is about to capitalise on his enormous trust factor by entering an industry where the rest of the players are currently the least trusted folk on the planet ‘” banks. Because his Virgin Money is about to take on the giant banks in the UK ‘” and we know who we’re betting on to win!
And that ethos of creating relationships is still at the heart of Facebook today. And the recent TimeLine changes are very much in line with that (more later).
And even the current 859 million members is a lot of prospective buyers for your products, by any measure. And reaching them is virtually effortless ‘” thanks to Facebook’s unique viral features.
So just imagine ‘” even if just a tiny 1% were interested in what you had to offer ‘” that would mean that your Facebook account is a direct pipeline to a prospective customer bank of eight and half million people. And that will likely rise by the end of the year to ten million.
Only a privileged few know how to generate serious amounts of free, targeted traffic from Facebook. Which means the field is wide open for someone like you, smart enough to move in and start connecting with all those millions of folk.
On March 31, 2012 Facebook made one of the most radical changes in its history with the introduction of its new TimeLine.
And, right now, folk are logging into their Facebook account and find they hardly recognise it, because these changes have hit every single one of the current 859 million account holders.
All of which makes it even harder to figure out how to make money from a Facebook account ‘” unless you have the inside track.
Because there is only a tiny elite who really have the inside track on Facebook. That’s because they have figured out how to take full advantage of Facebook’s unique viral nature for their own purposes.
For example, we know of one guy who gets nearly 20,000 visitors a month to his web site ‘” just from his Facebook page.
Now you too can have the inside track and be privy to these secrets ‘” including the cutting edge inside track on the new timeline ‘” and so trigger your very own Facebook bonanza of traffic, sales and profits!
Once you do that, there will come a time ‘” probably not too far away ‘” when you’ll suddenly realise it simply isn’t worth ‘working for the man’, any more ‘” because you’re making far more money on your own than what he is paying you.
Imagine awakening in the morning when you are good and ready ‘” no shrill alarm clock will ever shatter your slumbers ‘” ever again!
And just savour the thought of lying there in bed, thinking of all the things you certainly don’t miss about your old life… the silly office politics… the daily fight to get through the traffic for the doubtful privilege of spending another mind-numbing day making your boss even richer… the ever rising cost of gas you have to pay just to get to work ‘” and then getting up every morning and doing it all over again for a whole lifetime.
And then relax as you think of the warm feeling that will wash over you when you realise those nightmare days are gone FOR EVER…
Because we have all the FaceBook know how you need to trigger a torrent of targeted, trusting traffic ‘” and we’re about to share all our insider secrets with you…
And, although we’ve included everything you need to know to make your presence on FaceBook really count, we’ve made very sure it’s a snap to follow ‘” even if you are a complete FaceBook rookie.
That’s why the instructions are written in a crystal clear, as easy to follow as paint-by-numbers way, because we know just how important this is for your future financial freedom.
Facebook Marketing ‘” Marketeers Blueprint CB is the must-have manual, every internet marketer intent on making serious money from FaceBook needs…
This breakthrough blueprint takes you by the hand and ushers you safely through the Facebook marketing graveyard, past… Read more…