Explode Your Traffic and Profits! ‘” Instant Blog Submitter
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Of course, blogs aren’t all fun and games… especially if you’re just getting started online…
There’s loads out there. Content mixers, spinners, and other content nobody would ever read.
Visitors don’t come-back. Nobody leaves comments. And you don’t get incoming links. Over time, Google then takes-back any rankings they gave you… and hands them to the competition.
Luckily, this is why we developed a solution that’s the best of both worlds. It stuffs your blogs full of quick, easy, AND killer content.
Let me introduce you to a new tool called, “Instant Blog Submitter.” It’s a PC software developed by Jeff Alderson and Rod Beckwith.
You may remember some of our other killer tools, including “Press Equalizer,” “Instant Article Submitter,” and “Article Equalizer.”
Instant Blog Submitter allows you to easily load-up unlimited blogs with quality posts and comments. A killer post goes from taking HOURS to being created in as little as 5 minutes.
But, it gets better, because Instant Blog Submitter even has a feature to update your blog on autopilot even if you DON’T have 5 minutes to spare!
You see, the most time consuming part of creating a blog post isn’t the actual physical writing. This can be a breeze.
You can be the best writer in the world. But, you won’t have much success if your audience doesn’t care about your topics.
This is why Instant Blog Submitter gets your blog posts started for you. It puts unlimited news stories, articles, or even discussion board content at your finger tips.
You can then quickly add your take on them for killer 100% unique content popped-out in record time. Or, you can let Instant Blog Submitter post excerpts and link directly to the article while you’re asleep!
Now, imagine having this PC software (no scripts to install or on-going fees) load-up dozens, even hundreds of your blogs full of content. Your traffic explodes in record time!
You can then import content by loading-in already written PLR (Private Label Rights) or other articles you have by hitting “Load From File.” Or, you can create a new article by hitting “Load From RSS.”
How easy is writing an article like that? You get quality articles your readers are interested in fast. And you’re NOT spending HOURS first trying to get an idea and then writing about a topic no one cares about!
But, if all this is too much work, you can also use the built-in scheduling feature to post excerpts of the news stories and link directly to them without ever having to write a single word or touch a button if you don’t want to.
In the example above, our golfing blog is set to post new content every Monday and Thursday. Once it’s set, you never pay attention to it again.
The bottom line is that there’s just no quicker or easier way to get killer quality content to your site… especially if you’re not a writer.
You can work harder for less…Where you sit down to craft a post. Stare at the computer screen. And struggle to come-up with what to say.
Then, after all that work, you only have 1 “hit or miss” post out of hundreds you need.
Each of your blogs (1 or more for every product) are easily stuffed full of “Hot topics” readers and search engines love.
Unlike with a lot of other “content generation tools,” Instant Blog Submitter runs on autopilot from your personal computer.
Considering all of these factors, we seriously considered charging $247.00 for this tool. This investment is more than reasonable for what you get.
After all, it’s mere pocket change compared to how much just 1 successful blog makes you. However, your investment isn’t anywhere close to that amount…
Just imagine having a dozen blogs working around the clock, capturing search positions for each of your products…each one giving you sales on autopilot.
To make this an irresistible offer, we’re giving away a valuable piece of software called “Instant Blog Announcer.” This tool could easily be sold alone for $97.00. But, when you act today, you get it for free.
This vital first step for any successful blog gives you an initial set of links coming into your site. Search engines then can find you. And your first visitors roll-in.
Instant Blog Announcer currently has a list of 25 directories it submits your blog to automatically. You just click and it submits. Plus, there’s also a built-in semi-auto submission tool that fills in your information for 62 more directories. You just hit “Submit.” That’s a total of 87 directories.
Now, normally, without Instant Blog Announcer, you have to spend about 6 hours manually submitting to all of these directories (if you could even find them all).
With Instant Blog Announcer, everything is done on autopilot. Fill-in your information, click and submit. It’s the perfect compliment for Instant Blog Submitter.
Just load-up your blogs with Instant Blog Submitter and get them off the ground with Instant Blog Announcer.
There are articles you can input into Instant Blog Submitter with 1-click. There aren’t any resource boxes you must include. But, you can change the articles however you want. Slap your name on it, rewrite them, or post them “as is” for instant content.
You have enough content to last you YEARS. Just point-and click to have them automatically uploaded to your blogs with Instant Blog Submitter. They are great to mix-in with your original content.
So, if a new features come-out that boosts the value of these two tools, you don’t have to pay anything extra. You get the new advancement free of charge.
This truly makes getting your copy a risk-free deal. But, there’s more. To give you even more… Read more…