English Bulldog Care – Bulldog Care

English Bulldog Care ‘” Bulldog Care

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I know they are, because I have one I love more than anything! When you look at a bulldog, you realize that theyre really genetic wonders! That big head, those broad shoulders, that squishy nose.

Thanks to generations of specialized breeding, their large heads, flat noses, broad shoulders and small hips make them one of the most unique-looking dogs in existence.

Unfortunately, all that specialized breeding has also resulted in a host of health problems being bred right into these lovable creatures. And many of these health problems can be deadly to your bulldog if they are not treated properly or early enough.

And don’t expect those so-called one year guarantees from breeders fool you. It’s a very rare and exceptional breeder who will actually honor that guarantee. Anyway, you don’t want to get into that sort of situation in the first place.

In fact, because the bulldog is a very stoic breed that doesn’tt yelp in pain, it makes it that much more difficult to know when they are suffering. The bottom line is that your bulldog could be suffering from one or more health problems this very minute, and you may not even realize it.

“The book provided some great alternatives that we can do right at home without the use of a vet that will keep our bulldog happy and healthy. Thank you so much” ‘”Marissa M.

a Guide to Common English Bulldog Health Problems ‘” Get the most current, up to date, bulldog health information in this easy to read Bulldog Health Guide

This Guide tells you everything you need to know about Bulldog Health issues, how to spot them, how to treat them, and how to help prevent them.

my latest huge addition to the Bulldog Health System, this over 200 page addition features my research into the relationship between diet and dog health, especially concerning skin issues.

“before anyone owns a bully it should be the law they have to read your book” ‘”Jenn Kevzgal

Since you first laid eyes on him or her, you thought your bulldog was the cutest thing youve ever seen.

And now that theyre a part of your heart and your family, you want to give them the most protection and the best care that you can.

The Healthy Bulldog Guide was designed for bulldog lovers just like you who want answers to their bulldogs health problems and the ability to prevent and cure them, without the cost of numerous vet visits.

I really appreciate being able to embark on a health and nutritional plan based on the information in your book, to keep my pup healthy and happy.

All of the extras from the doggie recipes to online resources are a terrific bonus!

If youve taken your bulldog to the vet and been told about conditions like luxating patella, hypoplastic trachea or demodectic mange, you probably returned home more dazed and confused by your dogs condition than ever!

The Healthy Bulldog Guide not only explains common bulldog conditions in plain English, but it reveals the truth about how you can treat your bulldogs non-life threatening conditions at home, easily and cost-effectively!

Youll also discover how to spot early symptoms of potentially deadly medical conditions in your dog and what treatments are available for them.

Whether you already own a bulldog or are looking at getting one, the Healthy Bulldog Guide contains information that you owe it to yourself and your dog to know:

“your book has already saved the life of my 4 month old little girl Pixie . . . now 4 days later she is back to perfect thanks to your insite” ‘”Mary McDowell

I purchased your book back in January and I Love it. I have 2 bullies and the wrinkles always seemed to have an odor, by reading your book and watching the video on how to clean their wrinkles they tolerate it better and they tend to stay odor free longer (if that is possible). I also e-mailed you a couple of times with some issues and just wanted to let you now you were right both times. Thank you for all your knowledge on the breed and the funny little extra’s you send out I really enjoy them. thanks, Sue Cain Hyattsville, Md

The well-organized and easy-to-read topics contained in the Healthy Bulldog Guide can save you hundreds of dollars on your next trip to the vet!

Plus, youll learn all about bulldog conditions that require immediate emergency attention. Imagine how you could positively impact your bulldogs life, simply by knowing:

I wrote the Healthy Bulldog Guide because I was shocked by the lack of quality bulldog health information out there, even at the breeder level. I mean, lets face it a bulldog breeder has a much slimmer chance of making a sale if they list all of the potential problems your future pet can develop!

I didnt realize just how little bulldog information was available until I got Vivy at 8 weeks old. I fell in love with her at first sight. But she developed breathing problems that really had me worried.

So I took her to the vet and imagine my shock when The Vet told me to euthanize her! Of course, I refused. It was then that I started my search for top quality information and vet care. What I learned was that, although bulldogs come with a host of potential health problems, many of them are preventable or at least controllable when you are properly informed about them.

Although Vivy lived to be 12 years old (which is much longer than most bulldogs, many of whom die in their first five years), there were times I didnt think she would make it past two.

I learned the hard, expensive way, losing sleep and spending more than $5000 in vet bills in those first two years alone!

I dont want you to make the same mistakes I did. Your bulldog deserves good health, and you… Read more…