Eco-Friendly Gardening Techniques – Frugal Gardening – The Shoestring Gardener

Eco-Friendly Gardening Techniques ‘” Frugal Gardening ‘” The Shoestring Gardener

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300 Pages Packed With Hundreds of Eco-Friendly, Creatively Frugal Gardening How-Tos, Remedies & Tips

100’s Of Wonderfully Frugal, Eco-Friendly and Highly Resourceful Ideas, Techniques and Tricks with Detailed Instructions for Just About Everything Having to Do with Gardening

Do You Enjoy Gardening? Are You Interested in Learning New Ways to be More Creative In All Aspects of Caring & Tending for Your Garden?

Eliminate the Use of Toxic Fertilizers and Pesticides by Making All-Natural, Affordable, Effective, Homemade Preparations

Become a Conscientious Recycler! I’ll Show You Ways to Repurpose a Multitude of Items for Gardening Use That Would Normally End Up in a Recycling Bin

Whether you’re a novice or well-seasoned gardening enthusiast, I’ve put together a how-to guide that is brimming over with hundreds of creative ways to save money in all aspects of caring and tending for your the garden. I’ve also made sure to keep an emphasis on providing environmentally friendly and non-toxic gardening techniques, methods and procedures throughout the book.

In this information packed book you will be shown how to become a more successful and eco-conscious gardener while saving lots of money at the same time. The readers of my book will benefit from my years and years of extensive research on gardening techniques; from my participation in Master Gardener training; from my continuing attendance in a multitude of gardening workshops; and of course from my love for reading lots of gardening related articles and books.

Everything I’ve written about in The Shoestring Gardener has been pre-tested by me ‘” though trial and error in my own garden. Believe me … I am constantly on the lookout for new ways, ideas and methods to find simple and easy solutions to my gardening problems. And I’ve passed these on in The Shoestring Gardener.

My focus is always geared towards finding new ways to have the healthiest, happiest flowers and veggies possible while using only non-toxic, environmentally friendly methods. I also like to see if I can discover a way to streamline a gardening task or chore so that I don’t have to put in as much back-breaking effort as is sometimes necessary!

Whether you’re young or old, super handy with tools or almost all-thumbs … it doesn’t matter! I’ve presented the projects and techniques in The Shoestring Gardener in a way that allows for almost anyone to be successful. But, if you’re very adept with building and making things ‘” as example you happen to be quite handy with woodworking tools ‘” then you’ll see right away how you can tweak a project and embellish it because of your advanced knowledge of craftsmanship. But rest assured, I wrote this book for those of us who don’t have a garage full of tools or extensive construction abilities … and this includes me! I’m not super handy with building things, but I can follow easy directions and I am semi-creative. So if I can do it … I KNOW you can too!

Honestly, none of the projects, recipes or other information that you’ll read in my book are difficult to do, nor is anything complicated. Nope! I’ll show you easy doable ways to not only improve your results in the garden in an environmentally friendly way but also how to be a clever and frugal gardener too. Gardening isn’t supposed to be tedious and tiresome work, though at times it might be. Rather, gardening should be a way for us to relax and enjoy ourselves no matter what the task is that we’re engaged in, to help us get our minds off the trials and tribulations of daily life, and to get closer with nature.

Whether you’re brand new to eco-friendly and frugal gardening and want to learn all about it; or you love to learn new DIY garden projects; or you just love to putter around in your garden … everyone will enjoy this book!

I’ve written this book with a focus on how to be a responsible recycler ‘” we must work together to help Mother Earth not become a vast dumping ground! With so many of us wisely becoming more and more budget minded in all areas of our life, it’s not difficult at all to save a considerable amount of money in our gardening pursuits if you follow the helpful creative tips and instructions found in The Shoestring Gardener.

And really, it’s so easy to be a “shoestring gardener’�. Sometimes homemade is much better than “store bought’�.

THIS IS NOT A HARD COVER BOOK!! You are purchasing an electronic PDF book ‘” you will download it to your computer or eReader device. I’m proud that not one single tree was killed to make this book! It’s 100% eco-friendly!

THIS IS NOT A HARD COVER BOOK!! You are purchasing an electronic PDF book ‘” you will download it to your computer or eReader device. I’m proud that not one single tree was killed to make this book! It’s 100% eco-friendly!

Whether you’re using this book as a springboard to learn eco-friendly and more cost-saving ways to enhance your gardening know-how or you’ve got some gardening problems that you want to jump right in and solve … I truly believe you’ll find those answers and more in The Shoestring Gardener.

I do hope I’ll help you to become frugally creative and enthusiastically frugal, that you’ll learn many new ways to approach gardening challenges, and that’ll you’ll really be able to stretch your gardening budget in ways you never thought you could. And I surely hope that I will plant a seed of awareness to be kinder and more considerate to Mother Earth. Within the pages of The Shoestring Gardener I’ve imparted literally hundreds of ideas that should help to spark a greater awareness on how we can be… Read more…