eBook – Write a Bestselling eBook – Sell eBooks – Publish eBooks

eBook – Write a Bestselling eBook – Sell eBooks – Publish eBooks

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Most people don’t realize you can make millions writing a best-selling ebook.  My name is Noelani Rodriguez, and I recently reached the $1M dollar mark in ebook sales online.  My e-commerce experience with Fortune 500 companies such as Hotjobs.com and Compaq helped me create a million dollars in ebook sales. I’ve also sold ebooks and lectured about them for 14 years. Now I want to pass my information about the ebook business on to you.

I have a simple and complete four step system that has helped me reach my million-selling mark with ebooks. I summarize these steps to ebook success as the “Four T’s”, which I would like to show you:

With my complete and simple 4 step system, I can help you publish your “big idea” into a true success. With an inexpensive downloadable book, Write a Best Selling ebook, I give you not only my system- but all my advertising strategies and e-commerce secrets that I  know will make you successful.  I won’t just tell you how to be successful, I show you with practical how-to steps and illustrations of how to do Google Adwords to advertise, Paypal to collect credit card payments, and so much more. This is what I tell you about in my 90 page, 81/2 x 11 book:

Your big idea won’t publish itself. With the just the right ebook idea, your creativity could earn millions, even as you do other things.  Fulfill your dreams of a financially free lifestyle and take the first step today. Download Write a Best Selling ebook now.

I want to know if this book is still available for purchase. I am interested in publishing my book on Kindle, Nook and other e-reader formats. You provide very good information here. But I don’t see much in the way of cover design. Do you cover that in your book?

Thanks for writing this Tony. This comment helped me see that the ebook graphic could show up here. I had a young advertising assistant draw this cover for me. It is simple but has worked over the years. I do talk about cover design in the ebook. I’ve used several artists over the years. There’s also a free one hour video on creating Kindle ebooks.

You can Google or YouTube eBook covers, it is software out there that does it. Also you can outsource the work on fiverr.com for 5 bucks per cover.

Love your inspiration and writing style, But hard to read your blog white text on dark background not good idea.. Did you know you can get your blog redone on fiverr.com for $5

Fiverr is very dangerous if you don’t know exactly who you are dealing with. It can sink a site. Changing a background is easy and I particularly love the black, lol…not to sound disagreeable, just sayin. http://writeabestsellingebook.com is perfectly structured in my opinion and it certainly converts because of all the great feedback she gets. I’m buying mine today lol.

Thank you so much for inspiring me to begin to write after viewing your video I am inspired to write.I am not computer savy nor am I accurate in spelling nor do I have the know how in just writing yet I am doing it as we speak I stopped on my third page just to thank you and to say I have plans on becoming an Ebook publisher and hopefully making my first million in sales one day.I truly beleive prosperity is attainable you just have to put your dreams into action .Sharing my story with friends and loved ones I was always encouraged to write even from just strangers I met in the mall or at doctor’s appointments I know it is a hit and a proposition, I was never long or overbearing I just kept it plain and simple not adding any drama to it and I know my story stands out more than others because not only did I overcome I also went back to my humble and heartbreaking beginnings and helped others on a income that seemed like nothing to me but others saw my heart and understood my life and always asked me for encouragement and support in what they were encountering……..

It comes with the purchase of the book “Write a Best-Selling eBook” – I sent it to you. Enjoy!

Greetings Noelani, I was just browsing around, here, there, everywhere. Actually, somebody sent me an ebook pitch and I felt the energy (I am very big on the vibe feeling right) just being too much of a machine, not enough personality to keep me enthusiastic. You just feel nice. You feel right to me, your personality is warm, caring, loving, versus the bamm bamm hype which seems to be part and parcel of the delivery mechanism which accompanies many a marketing system. That means a lot to me, so have a look at my website. If we do connect, then I will share with you what I have in mind. Yours sincerely, Gavin.

Noelani your site is wonderful. I have always wanted to write a bestselling ebook, who doesn’t? I think people are afraid and lack confidence and yet the market is huge I agree! I am going to purchase your guide for sure!

I do have a lot of questions, i.e, where to market an ebook, or how to market an ebook that is. I could likely write an ebook, but don’t know how to sell an ebook. Thanks for the great information.

Noelani, I am impressed with the tone and the guidance you provide in your comments. Many times I have thought about writing a series of short stories and stories about true life events. However, I never felt that I knew which direction to take to even begin. I have thoughts put down on paper… Read more…