Easy Cupcake Wrappers Easy Cupcake Wrappers

Easy Cupcake Wrappers Easy Cupcake Wrappers

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Members of our Easy Wrappers Club are constantly amazed at how quickly they can create a fully personalized Cupcake Wrapper suitable for any occasion.

Buy now and get immediate access to our huge range of wrapper templates, all available in mini, standard and jumbo size.

THIRD, after you have finalized your design , you view the finished wrapper, make alterations if necessary, and print.

It’s Easy & Fun – we provide members with a fully functional, 100% customizable template for easy cupcake wrappers which is available in three sizes – mini, standard and large.

Surprisingly Inexpensive ! – a once only payment of US$14,95 gives you access to our huge range of cupcake templates. The templates are available to customise and download whenever needed. No other cupcake wrapper program offers so much value for such a low price.

No Confusing Scripts – you don’t need to know anything about coding or programming. Just choose a template and follow our instructions to get your perfect cupcake wrappers.

Personalise your Wrapper – choose from one of our cupcake templates, and customise it by selecting colors and adding text. Great for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, weddings or any special event. When you are delighted with your wrapper design you print the required number. Easy and fast.

Step-by-Step Video Tutorial – we take you by the hand and show you exactly how to build your customized cupcake wrapper.

Join our “Easy Wrappers” Community – the opportunity to share photos of your cupcake creations, or to ask questions. The screenshot below shows you how by adding your own photographs or pictures and adding text you can have a truly unique and fun cupcake wrapper.

Got a question? Check out our FAQs link to find your answer, or submit your question via our  Contact form.

Don’t forget to let us know when you have made your wrappers. We would love to hear from you and see photos of your cupcake wrappers.

Not a member already?  For a one off payment of US$14.95 you will have access to our huge range of cupcake templates. The templates are available to customise and download whenever needed. No other cupcake wrapper program offers so much value for such a low price.

I am continually adding more templates, so keep checking back to see the updates. If you have a special occasion coming up and want to design a particular wrapper, please contact me and I will work with you to design a new template.

Check out our latest wrapper designs. This gorgeous Valentines Day template can easily be made by following the prompts. Have fun designing. Read more…