DSM Publishing’s The Affordable Internet Marketing Course
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I would like to show you the easiest and most affordable way to have a fully functioning, internet marketing business that you can be earning from in just two weeks from now.
I am also talking no start up setup fees (minus the cost of this course) until your business is in profit. Then I will show you where you need to invest and why so many people are throwing money down the drain on worthless products and services.
I have designed “The Affordable Internet Marketing Course” so it also appeals to those starting from scratch. It is also based on exactly what I would do if I was starting again with no list, no money, no hosting and most importantly no business contacts.
If you are looking for a step by step internet marketing course for starting and running your own successful internet marketing business then you have come to the right place. You now have the opportunity to watch over my shoulder as I show you over the next 12 months how to plan, set up and run your own online business.
This is from start to finish so that you can then follow the modules time and time again and make the most out of what you have learnt.
I have been making money online for several years and this is your chance to turn my knowledge and information into your own work from home business.
And if I was to sum up what The Affordable Internet Marketing Course means I would say:
You also have the option to learn at whatever pace you wish and you will get a full education in internet marketing. Not just one where you attend a seminar and then realise something vital that you wanted to learn is missing.
I have covered the whole kitchen sink in these modules and all 52 modules are action packed with everything that you need to learn. So that you can go off and implement it before you next module arrives in the inbox.
There is also no time set in stone for completing each module. You would accomplish one module before you take on the next. Some modules may take you three weeks, whereas others you may well complete in 2 days. This then gives you the opportunity to set your own pace.
But good news is finally here. I am going to solve every single one of these problem areas as they’re all covered plus many more in the Affordable Internet Marketing Course.
That’s the best way to describe this course, it is the closest course you will ever get to mentoring. For what we cover in this course we charge more than fifteen times this amount to private coaching clients. And for many of you this makes mentoring affordable, or for the rest of you it is much cheaper!
I sure I really don’t have to bore you with information about the recession……
Because I am sure that you are only too aware of it. Every time you turn on the news or listen to the radio and it really makes a lot of us think twice about our financial security.
If like many people you work for an employer there could be that real need to self finance your own income. Just in case one day your boss decides that you are too expensive and lets you go and then you are suddenly jobless with no hope of feeding yourself or your family. And the worst thing is that your employer will have forgotten about you by the following day.
Alternatively you may have been working for the same person for the last decade without a single pay rise or promotion and feeling pretty worthless. The biggest benefit of The Affordable Internet Marketing Course is that you can create multiple streams of income and give yourself a pay rise whenever you feel like it!
In The Affordable Internet Marketing Course I want to show you what actually works. No theory just fact based on what I have done in my own businesses. When you read through the different modules you will know exactly what works so that you can then go off and implement it. Most importantly I am going to show you how real internet marketers do things.
If you have ever suffered from information overload and haven’t got a clue of what works and what doesn’t. Then this is the moment when I take away the guess work and turn you into a successful marketer.
This is just a small selection of what I will teach you. This is also a summary of a few of the things I will be showing you in the first six modules of the course. So there is much more to come as the weeks progress.
You are also in complete control ‘” you can follow it on a weekly basis with a module a week like recommended or move at a smaller pace if you are working full time and don’t want to quit your job straight away.
Whenever I look at internet marketing products that much of it is based on theory and very little is based on practical experience. Internet marketers re-write PLR without even trying the products or they simply follow the trends and hope for the best. And that’s why so many newbie’s fail to follow courses.
The Affordable Internet Marketing Course is my forth internet marketing course and is straight forward and easy to understand modules based on eight years as a full time internet marketer.
I am really not a fan of hype and I just hate all the rubbish that you don’t need that appears in practically every sales page that I visit. Not to mention the annoying videos that start up on their own at full volume that have you jumping out of your skin! Or… Read more…