Dragon Download Protector 2.0

Dragon Download Protector 2.0

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“This Powerful Download Management System Will Stop Hackers And Thieves Stealing Downloadable Products From Your Thank You Pages …And Give You An Easy Way To Record And Manage All Your Product Sales”

If you’re selling downloadable products such as ebooks and software, you probably already know about the risk of your products being stolen from your own thank you pages.

It has been estimated that over half of all ebooks and software in use are stolen copies, with a large proportion of these being stolen directly from the thank you page.

This of course means lost sales and income as potential customers simply grab a copy of your product for FREE instead of paying you for it.

There’s a lot of misinformation on the Internet about how hackers and thieves actually gain access to thank you pages without paying.

The reality is that unless you give your thank you page a name that is easy to guess, like “thanks.html”, it’s actually quite hard for people to find it.

If you give your thank you page a random name with letters and digits in, such as “ty_35369712.html”, even sophisticated hacking software is unlikely to find it.

There is however still a serious risk of a customer sharing his or her link with friends, or even posting the link on forums or Warez (illegal download) sites.

The problem can be made considerably worse if a search engine picks up the link, making it accessible to anyone doing a search for your product.

Each customer gets his or her own personal link to your thank you page that only works for a limited period of time (typically 24 to 48 hours). After this period, the link is disabled, making it useless to forum and search engine traffic.

For additional protection, you can also limit the number of times the individual zip files can be downloaded through each link.

Our brand new Dragon Download Protector software creates these special expiring links automatically.

The Setup Tool will then create the script, which you upload to a folder on your web host. You can name this folder anything you want, such as “downloads” or “products”.

For example, if your product were called “Affiliate Success Secrets”, you would create a subfolder called “Affiliate Success Secrets”.

You upload all the downloads for that product into the subfolder, in zip file format. You can have a single zip file ‘” or lots of zip files (as many as you want).

The script will automatically detect that a new subfolder has been created and will automatically add the new product to the system, using the name of the subfolder as the product name.

Note: If you’ve never used a download protector script before, you may be used to putting downloads into folders with names that are hard to guess (such as download5454242) to reduce the chances of a hacker guessing the name. With Dragon Download Protector, you can give your subfolders and files nice simple names, because the script locks everything. All your files are totally secure, because they can only be accessed through the script.

The script comes with a single web page (called a “template”), which is used to create the thank you pages.

You can use this template as-is ‘” or edit it using any HTML editor ‘” or you can create a new template page from scratch using any method for creating a web page ‘” for example: creating a new page on a WordPress blog.

You can make your template page look exactly as you want and include anything you want ‘” graphics, text, ads, upsell offers ‘” anything that you want to show to your customers

The page is a complete thank you page, except that it does not contain any links to any zip files ‘” just some special text %%zipfiles%% which indicates where the zip file links should appear.

You can also include the special text %%buyername%% in your thank you page templates and the script will automatically personalize each thank you page with the individual customer’s name (this only works when using Paypal, Clickbank or 2CheckOut as your payment service).

It can also make customers more reluctant to distribute their link to other people, since their thank you page is clearly marked with their name.

If you visit this admin page, you’ll see a list of all your products, as shown in the screenshot below:

In this example, you can see that there are three products being managed by the script. You can add new products at any time, just by creating a new subfolder for it ‘” and delete products by deleting the subfolder.

You can create a Paypal button to sell the product, by entering the price and clicking Submit. The script will generate the HTML code for a new Paypal button and display the code, so you can paste it into your sales page.

The system is secured through the Paypal “IPN” system, making it almost impossible to hack the system.

When someone orders using one of your Paypal buttons, the script will automatically create a new secure, expiring link (which links to the thank you page for that product). The customer will be directed to that new link as soon as they have paid. The link will also be emailed to the customer.

Selling through Paypal really is that simple. Just generate the button, paste it into your sales page ‘” and you’re done. The system will handle everything else on autopilot.

To sell through Clickbank, you need to set up each product in your seller account on clickbank.com. Set up the product to send customers to the “Clickbank Link” for the product (as shown in the screenshot above) after they pay. The system is secured through the Clickbank “secret key” system, making it almost impossible to hack the system.

To sell through 2CheckOut, you need to set up each product in your seller account on 2checkout.com. Set up the product to send customers to the “2CheckOut Link” for the… Read more…