Dr. Dog’s Behavior Solutions – Stop Dog Behavior Problems Like Barking, Chewing, Aggression

Dr. Dog’s Behavior Solutions ‘” Stop Dog Behavior Problems Like Barking, Chewing, Aggression

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“How to finally eliminate your dog’s annoying behaviors'”and why you may actually be teaching him these behaviors…without even realizing it!’�

Obedience training is a good thing'”but learning to “sit’�, “stay’� and “come’� won’t EVER solve your dog’s behavior problems.

If you obedience-train a dog that barks, you’ll end up with a dog that sits, stays and'”barks. In other words…

The methods I reveal in my ebook Dr. Dog’s FAST, EASY, FUN Behavior Solutions are not based on some mindless notion or fad. And they’re not just my opinion.

Every one is based on solid animal behavior research … proven in the field with thousands of dogs. It really comes down to basic dog psychology … using the premise that rewards work better than punishment and realizing that dogs don’t understand what the heck you’re talking about when you’re yelling at them for chewing up your slippers.

Yell at your dog and he’ll just look at you with those sad eyes. He might even look remorseful. You think you’ve made your point. But no…

If your dog doesn’t understand what you say, you’re punishing him for being ignorant'”not for being bad!

You will learn to “Talk Dog’� and really communicate to your dog what you want him to do'”and to motivate him so he wants to do it!

Claim your FREE audio and ebooks! (if you haven’t already…)

FREE Audio and Ebook: Dr. Dog Answers the 15 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Dogs. “Can I change my dog’s name? I hate the name he came with.” and more…

FREE Ebook: Ask Dr. Dog Dr. Dog answers questions including: “How can I stop my dog’s begging?’� “How will our dog react to our new baby?’� “Will my dog remember me after a long trip?’� and more…

Also included is The Dr. Dog Blog with more training tips and real-world solutions.

I will see your name and email address and promise to never sell or share them with anyone. Dog’s honor!

So, if you’re just about at wit’s end, friends don’t drop by as often as they used to and the neighbors secretly pray you’d move to the other side of town, there is a solution that’ll make all your worries vanish … and in just a few days.

Now, with the methods I reveal in my ebook, Dr. Dog’s FAST, EASY, FUN Behavior Solutions, you can quickly and easily train your dog to…

You can even train your dog to eliminate ON COMMAND (perfectly humane and a whole lot more convenient for you).

After repeated requests from listeners of my weekly radio program and other dog lovers across the globe, I’ve decided to compile all my behavior training “secrets’� into an ebook you can instantly download. Start getting positive results today!

I’ve held nothing back in writing Dr. Dog’s FAST, EASY, FUN Behavior Solutions. In my jam-packed ebook, you get solid, no-nonsense solutions to every conceivable problem you may face.

Let me pause for just a minute because this is really important… You will NOT learn how to jerk your dog’s neck with a pinch collar. If anyone has to jerk, choke or beat up a dog to train him, they shouldn’t be allowed near anything with a pulse!

I’m just amazed by some of the idiotic methods too many so-called “experts’� want to pile at your doorstep. None of that here!

Right about now you may be thinking, “Oh my gosh! That’s an awful lot to learn.’� Or maybe this: “My dog is so set in his ways, he’s never going to change.’� Not true … on both counts.

When you learn my secrets of “talking dog’� … thinking like your dog … teaching Atilla to behave becomes amazingly quick and easy! And so many dog owners tell me when they do “talk dog’�, their dog seems much smarter than they ever thought possible!

What you’ll learn the minute you begin reading my ebook is the same thing I’ve developed over decades of studying the latest in animal behavioral research and training thousands of dogs … with a 96.4% success rate! Only you’ll learn my proven tactics instantly … no trial and error … no long years of research. I teach these methods to Animal Control Officers, Humane Society staffs and in University Veterinary Schools. And now they are yours!

Each chapter is devoted to a specific behavior so you can find the solution to your problem quickly. And get this…

If you’ve already tried conventional obedience training, you know it won’t solve behavioral problems. If you’ve been thinking of dog training, let me save you hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars and a lot of additional headaches (like carpet cleaning, furniture repair and possible lawsuits).

I can’t tell you how many of my clients have tried obedience training and even weeks of “Board and Train’�'”for thousands of dollars'”and have given up hope of ever having the dog they wanted. They are incredulous when my “fast, easy, and fun’� methods finally solve their dog’s behavior problems including barking, chewing, fighting, biting, aggression, soiling, jumping, and more…

“…top-notch, scientifically sound information…’� DOG FANCY Magazine

My dogs were relaxed and calm in the car, didn’t pull as we walked around, sat down obediently when I stopped, and never once barked! I was secure in my leadership position, happy to praise them when they earned it, and calmly in control.

I have learned to be a better dog-lover! Thanks, again! Esther L. M., San Diego, CA

“…If every city had Dr. Dog, animal behavior problems would not exist.’� Bonnie H. Former Director, Kentucky Humane Society

“Dear Dr. Fetko, The class you put on in Longview was the best canine behavior class I have ever attended. I have been in… Read more…