Domaining expert Sean Stafford’s eBook, domain tips, bio & more
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My name is Sean Stafford. I’m 29 years old and I’ve been in or around the domain industry for 10 years. I’ve bought and sold domains regularly on a full-time basis for 7 years. I’ve spoken at conferences and to audiences all over the world about investing in domain names as covered in Some of these conferences include: HostingCon, T.R.A.F.F.I.C.,, and more.
I regularly do consultation for other domain investors, and with my eBook, I can consult for you too. Once you read Domain Graduate, you will have the chance to replicate what I have done, which I’ve spent thousands of dollars and countless hours perfecting ‘” a profitable career in domaining.
Although I’ve already made a mint in the domain industry, as you can imagine I have also lost some money along the way. That’s right; I’m letting you know, up front, that I’ve lost a little bit of money at some point. But the great news is that you don’t have to!
With my eBook, you can learn the correct way to become a Domainer instead of figuring it out through the school of hard knocks. You can learn it through DomainGraduate, and you can learn it for the same cost that only three .com domain name registrations would cost. It’s as simple as that.
Imagine if you register hundreds of domains that are complete flops. Do you understand how costly that could end up being? For the same price of only three (3) domain registrations, I’ll show you what NOT to register. I’ll teach you to use established and well thought-out patterns when making domain purchases. If I’m able to save you hundreds of dollars in bad domain registrations then I think we would both agree that the price of $19 is well worth the money.
But guess what, if you buy my book and you don’t find the information useful, I’ll give you a complete refund. No questions asked. Many people believe in my techniques and domaining psychology. My eBook is used as a guide in many different domain organizations and always comes highly recommended. But, if you purchase it and are not satisfied, I’ll freely return your money. That’s my promise to you.
With more than 130 million currently registered domains in the marketplace, lots of people understand and embrace the financial power of this industry. There is an abundance of opportunity for people such as you to thrive. But before you jump in, you’ll either need some guidance (DomainGraduate hint* hint*) or you’ll need to know that there could be many stumbles along the way and those errors may be very, very costly!
With domaining, you can either earn a thriving income or become a slave to something that will only cause you lots of work with little reward. If you want to start out domaining correctly from the beginning, consider pursuing a condensed education that is consolidated all into one place. I guarantee you that it will pay for itself many times over.
In Domain Graduate I unravel some of the mysteries of the top-dollar money makin’ domainers. I simplify the industry’s tactics and explain these cult-like secrets that I myself only uncovered by putting in years of my time researching and studying through the night. I bring it all together in one eBook that explains everything that you need to know in order to get started.
Sean Stafford wrote an excellent book for beginning domain invesors. If you are interested in domains and domain name investing, this book will jump start your career.
Sean Stafford speaks about domains at a T.R.A.F.F.I.C Down Under conference in Gold Coast, Australia.
Sean Stafford, Director of Services at by Comodo, put his busy schedule aside for a short while…
I started investing right after college with only $100 in my hand. I was twenty-one years old and in a mountain of debt. I needed a way to leverage money that could truly work for me. It’s then I found domain names.
Speed up the clock eight full years, I’m now 29. My most recent accomplishment was selling the company that my business partners and I built from the ground up, My successes are proven by both Wikipedia and by TechCrunch.
If you are looking towards domain names as an investment vehicle, then DomainGraduate is the investment guidebook that will see you through your entire domaining career. ‘” Sean Stafford Read more…