Dog training Book, dog health Information, dog grooming, dog breeds, dog care
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You will see results immediately even if you have never had a family dog before! If you have tried but failed to train that darn dog THESE are the professional Secrets you want!
The same strategies I used for years to handle dozens of unruly dogs at a time in my dog grooming business, are revealed to you in this simple to use step-by-step system.
Are you at the end of your rope with your dogs insistence on grinding his snout into every guest that comes through the front door? Or do you have a new puppy that is not potty trained and just dont know where to begin?
If you are like the many dog owners I met every week in my dog grooming business, frustrated with a misbehaved dog, then you are certainly not unique. I know because I saw it every day. For example does your dog
Has this behaviour got you at the end of your rope? … And generally just driving you absolutely crazy?
Our family dog Luke was full of energy that just didnt know what to do with himself when we brought him home as a young puppy. We didnt want to go through the painful experience of a misbehaved puppy so we trained him to avoid all the pain and made owning a family dog the enjoyable experience that it is suppose to be.
Available to you now in this cutting edge book are the same secrets I used day in and day out to manage sometimes as many as 25 to 30 dogs in my dog grooming store. My book is written in easy to understand everyday language to help people like you who came to my store day in and day out with dogs that just needed a little help in the training department.
I had to write it because I saw so many unhappy dog owners who could simply turn it all around into a pleasant situation if they just had a few simple secrets. Most of my customers were amazed at just how easy it was to turn their dog from a nightmare to a good dog! It was my duty to share these secrets and strategies so you can start to enjoy a well-trained dog or puppy fast.
Frankly I was amazed at the positive feedback and results my customers were getting when I first started sharing my training secrets. But I also know that your dog will even love you more for it.
Thanks to the training secrets that I share in my book Dog Owners Boot Camp even first time dog owners are achieving miraculous success. You to will discover just how easy and fast it really is to have a well-trained dog as a pet.
Owning this book will make your dog training confidence soar. Your Friends and neighbours may even come to you for advice. But wait . . . theres even more!
Thanks to this SUPER-SIMPLE Dog Training System made for REGULAR PEOPLE with little or no training experience, youll quickly discover that training your dog can be SIMPLE AND FUN.
Your friends might even start calling you “The Dog Guru” when they hear about your great success with your pet!!
Frankly Im not just saying this because it sounds good; I am just repeating what many happy owners have said after reading my book. Here is what one happy customer said after he started using my system:
I was at the end of my leash with Max when I got your book. I was almost going to put him up for adoption but your training tips showed immediate results. Within 2 days Max was not jumping on guests anymore. My wife was amazed and it really has made a complete difference in our house
Working with so many dogs at the same time such as you have can be a real challenge. You can easily lose your patience in a dog-grooming store so your information was a real saving grace. It has made my job so much easier and less stressful. Another great bonus for me is how much better I have been able to train my own dog Copper. It has made it easier when I get home each day to enjoy seeing Copper rather than just not wanting to see another dog. Thank you it really has made a big difference
Imagine. what it would be like for you to open your front door and have your dog sit at your side, well behaved while you greet your guest. You are in control. Your dog obeys your every command. No, you are not dreaming in color its easy to do!
Imagine Taking your dog for a walk no more constant tugging at the leash and wanting to chase everything Hooch sees. Can you imagine what it would not be like having a sore arm from trying to restrain your dog?
When you are walking with your dog in a park you dont have to worry about him straining at his leash to see the other dogs because he will stay in your control awaiting your commands.
Can you see yourself in that park, no more embarrassment, the envy of all other frustrated untrained dog owners? Because if you dont you will want to get your copy of Dog Owners Boot Camp and start right now!
How many people do you know that think training their dog is yelling louder each time they give a command? They think the dog is hard of hearing so they keep yelling the same command over and over again and expect different results. Is this not the definition of insanity?
They give a command and when the dog… Read more…