Discover the marketing power of audio

Discover the marketing power of audio

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Podcasts and audio are consumed in more places, more of the time than any other type of content. This regular engagement helps them know like and trust you and makes them more likely to turn into customers!

The undeniable reach of podcasting is so powerful, podcast players are even being built into new cars as an alternative to radio! Your audience is growing, every day!

On iTunes alone (Just one distribution network) there were 1 Billion downloads of podcast shows in January of 2013, and your potential audience grows by around 500,000 people every day!

“Podcasting is one of the most powerful ways to build an audience and engaged mailing list, and Audello is the most powerful podcasting platform by far!”

Audello provides you with a powerful toolkit that will help you succeed at building huge engaged audiences, targeted mailing lists and fans that turn into customers, all through the power of podcasting & audio content.

Record audio or Skype calls. Drag in existing audio files to convert into web ready format, and upload with one click. For Mac and PC.

Use the web dashboard to control and customise your audio, podcasts, playlists and audio players. Track detailed stats and much more!

Record audio, interviews and podcast episodes on the go with the iPhone app. Press one button to upload, publish and schedule.

We provide training and case studies with people succeeding and getting amazing results with podcasting, so you can model their tactics. Learn how to build a huge audience, generate subscribers and turn them into paying customers by following along with some of the biggest names in podcasting.

Audello is packed with powerful podcasting and audio marketing features. Including drag and drop audio page creation, timed audio events, playlists, detailed analytics and more!

Break new ground by engaging listeners like never before, boosting your lists and maximising your sales.

Right at the moment your listeners are engaged and ready to bite, add a timed ‘buy now!’ button to capture them and secure the sale.

Add beautiful opt-in forms right in to your audio players, and capture commenters’ names and email addresses to boost your lists.

Interactive content such as timed Events and Gateways encourage continued listening, viral sharing and increased engagement.

Prompt listeners to take a specific action to continue listening to your audio. Get them to tweet about your show, or share it on Facebook, or even create revenue by requiring a purchase to continue ‘” use Events to engage with your listeners like never before.

Audello comes with desktop apps for Mac, Windows and iPhone. Easily record your voice, and even your Skype calls! Create content with just one click ‘” and easily create, convert, upload and publish your content directly from your desktop or mobile device.

With the most in-depth analytics in the industry, you’ll get the best insight to your listeners and their behaviour, ever.

Break down exactly where people are listening ‘” from directories like iTunes to different players on your websites.

See where your listeners are around the world and tailor your content to the most popular locations.

With a few clicks, you can perform A/B testing with up to four audio files. Test your files for increased engagement, interactivity or sales in seconds and automatically serve the winning file after a specified period of time.

In a few clicks, create a beautiful playlist for your podcasts or a collection of related audio files. This can easily be published to your website, and you can even push new files immediately from the desktop or iPhone apps! No messing with embed code each time you add an episode.

“Podcast Marketing is the next evolution in marketing. Audello is created by the same team that revolutionised video marketing. They took all the technical aspects of podcasting and made a user friendly platform that can help turn anyone into a podcasting sensation. I love it.”

There is no other audio player like Audello! Create beautiful and feature-packed audio players with our drag and drop creator!

You can use your iPhone to record audio on-the-go ‘” never miss the perfect chance to get an interview, quote or testimonial while you’re on the road. You can upload straight to your hosting, publish or schedule to your podcast, directly from your phone.

Audello is designed to work perfectly with WordPress sites. It comes with a free WordPress plugin that allows you to select the audio file or podcast episode you wish to embed on your site from a list, right inside your WordPress installation. You can then embed it on your blog with one click, complete with a customised player.

Some of the biggest names in internet marketing and podcasting are raving about Audello and it’s power to transform their businesses and make profiting with audio easier than ever before!

“Audello is a great example of making something complex super simple, and with a great user experience and customer service. If you ever wanted to spread your message and reach more people, get Audello today!”

“This has got to be the fastest setup I’ve ever had the experience of using for my podcasts. Within 15 minutes of setting up my Audello account, I have completely prepared the platform to market my podcasts effectively!”

Whilst the vast majority of customers are extremely happy with our product, we believe in making it as easy for you to leave as it was for you to join. So, if you wish to leave, we do not lock you in and we do not lock your RSS feed. We will help you move to your preferred service as quickly as possible.

Our desktop software requires either a Mac or PC. If you’re on a PC, you need at least Windows Vista or newer. On Mac, you need at least OSX 10.7 or newer. Windows XP and OSX 10.6 are not supported. Our iPhone app requires iOS 7 or newer. The web app requires the latest version of any… Read more…