Digital Document Management Software

Digital Document Management Software

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Warning: Don’t buy or write another PDF ebook, PDF newsletter or create PDF images until you’ve read how to cream off valuable information and free up your time.

“How PDF Document Owners And Authors Are Raving About This Amazing New PDF Organizer That’s So Technologically Advanced It Will Make You Super Efficient Like A Highly Paid Personal Assistant ‘” 100% Guaranteed!”

“If you market your business on the Internet you are about to discover how to supercharge your wealth by having the right information always at your fingertips… just like a super Librarian with lightning memory recall brain cells. “If you are an individual, not for profit organization or a company that stores PDF documents, PDF images, PDF reports or any PDF files on your computer this is the most important report you’ll read this year’�

“Amazing! Kick butt tool that ebook owners and information marketers can use to add heaps more value to their business and avoid the biggest mistakes being made on the web” Jeff Paul “How You Can Make $4000 A Day Sitting At Your Kitchen Table In Your Underwear”

If information is of value or interest to you, this may be the most exciting letter you will ever read. Here is why: My name is David Davis and, some time ago, I was dead broke. My business was almost bankrupt and I couldn’t even pay the rent. Actually, I wasn’t just broke I was desperate. Then, one day, I was clicking away at my computer in a frenzy trying to find an ebook (electronic report) I bought about “making money at home in your underwear”. I spent what seems like hours clicking away on hundreds of folders and PDF file images trying to find this PDF ebook… eventually I gave up. Later that night I came up with a “crazy idea” about how to develop a personal ebook organizer that would automatically organize all PDF ebooks and electronic documents… that’s also lighting fast with features that allow users to squeeze every ounce of valuable information from each document…. just like a smart and super efficient personal assistant. Sounds too good to be true… That’s what I thought, until I literally had a divine breakthrough. As if by magic or telepathy, I received an email from a software developer offering me the blueprint to an advanced pdf ebook organizer. This is the gospel truth! I was completely stunned, a bit like Paul on the road to Damascus! Could you imagine what was going through my mind? Anyway… Only twelve blueprints were up for grabs so I whipped out my ‘up to the limit credit card’ and sighed with relief when payment was accepted. With only twelve blueprints being sold I figured that to beat the competition, I would have to develop a unique ebook organizer that provided solutions for anyone who saves PDF documents as reports, ebooks, newsletters and images on their computer. In hindsight I should be more organized when I save files to my computer. I made a mistake and wasted two hours that I’ll never get back. What about you?

Be honest ‘” when it comes to information products, especially ebooks, which of the following mistakes you’ve made?

You’ve bought PDF ebooks, reports and newsletters in the past without reading them to the end?

You did not organize your own summary notes of important points as you read pdf ebooks, reports or newsletters so you’d have a permanent memory aid of summarized facts you can instantly recall at the touch of a button, without having to read the entire document again?

You’ve never fully implemented the tips, strategies, and breakthroughs that you’ve paid handsomely for that suppose to transform your wealth, health, love life or your well being?

You’ve failed to organize your PDF ebooks (documents) logically like a librarian, so you can access information at lighting speed on any or similar topics or by author?

You’ve purchased electronic reports (ebooks) but you have no systematic way of following up on authors to answer points you don’t fully understand?

You’ve purchased products (ebooks) that carry time limited guarantee but you have no systematic way of being reminded when guarantee period is up and get your money back if your purchase turned out to be crap?

If you checked any of the above boxes, you’re not alone; almost everyone who buys or publishes pdf ebooks makes the same mistakes. It’s not your fault… up to now you’ve never had a reliable solution to your problems.

The pin finally dropped when I was clicking away in frustration trying to find a pdf ebook that was buried in the folders of my computer… and didn’t want to be found.

I Bet You Have Priceless Information Hidden in Your Computer That You Will Never Use

Imagine having a library of pdf ebooks, reports and newsletters with tips, strategies and breakthroughs that you’ve never been able to exploit repeatedly because they are haphazardly filed in your computer!

Some of these ebooks are probably written by Internet millionaires, famous authors or they could simply be priceless reference material and images.

Just think about it: you have a cash flow crisis, you are burdened by unpaid bills and you can’t meet your credit card installment and mortgage payment and yet the steps to solve your pressing problem are spelt out in a report or ebook you purchased six months ago… and you can’t find it… because it’s buried somewhere in your computer!

In fact you are completely oblivious that this information is covered many times over in several ebooks you’re purchased from different successful marketers…

Now imagine having a software that allows you to exploit to the fullest, every tip, strategy and breakthrough that’s written in every ebook on your PC and…

With ability to capture the essence of every pdf ebook and arrange them how you want… so you can easily and quickly exploit them… Read more…